Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday isn't Friday without a trip to The Market Place

The Market Place is an open air market  down the road about half a mile or so from our home. It is about two city blocks big. And since it is only open Thursday through Sunday it is a very busy place. Today we went in the morning, after a quick stop at WM for some paper goods and a quick breakfast at McDonalds. I have not had a sausage cheese McMuffin in years, and I thought it was really good,  it hit the spot to fill the void.

Anyway, today, we purchased fresh veggies and some fruit along with some wiring items at good prices. The fruit and veggies are all fresh from the area. Sadly we don't always know when to stop buying until after we realize that the fridge at home only holds so much. hehe But on the happy note, it never goes to waste here. It's so nice having fresh from the field/garden produce in December. There is even live entertainment and food venders. You could really spend a long time here for food and fun.

Mark has some plumbing and electrical work to do now. That will keep him busy and happy. He likes to stay busy. I have cleaning to do on a daily basis, but then I'm fussy and don't like dirt or dust. hehe Why am I living in the desert then?  Because it's warmer here. :)

As some of you saw by Mark's facebook post, he has decided to fit in with a more western look hat and set his baseball cap aside now and then. Upon his insistence and a good price, I too now will sport a western cap on occasion. I'm not one to like anything other than my motorcycle helmet on my head, but the hat does keep the sun out of my eyes. That's the excuse I will use today anyway.

The wind is wicked today so I have decided to put my penny pincher mentality to the side and turn the a/c on. The dirt is flying like a blizzard of snow. Even my mountains has disappeared behind a wall of dirt. The dirt in the wind is the worst part of living in the desert.  But the good things outweigh the bad. The temp today is already at 82º.  The heat doesn't last long this time of year. By 5:30 it will be pleasantly cooler.  We really love it here in Yuma, Arizona. Especially when we read what it is like in Minnesota right now.

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