Thursday, December 15, 2016

Almost Christmas

More time has slipped past us. The days go by so quickly that most days we don’t know what day it really is at all. Yesterday when I looked at the calendar I couldn’t believe that Christmas is next weekend. Oh dear, where did the time go.  With no snow, which we do not miss, it doesn’t look like the Christmas’s of the past. Sand doesn’t resemble snow, trees are still green and the temps are much more pleasant here.

Because I just couldn’t stand giving up all my traditional Christmas frenzies, I had to do some cookie baking. The little toaster oven did so well for the teacakes and the peanut butter blossoms. The other day Mark lit the gas oven, for the first time, and I made spritz cookies. They looked nothing like my fancy ones that I made for years. This year I had to form the shapes with my hands and make just flat round ones. At least they will taste as good. The oven was tricky to figure out so a pan of cookies got, well, a tad on the too dark to eat side. hehe Maybe the next cookies, I make, will go more smoothly. But at least we have some Christmas cookies to enjoy.  We did put up some outside decorations on the front of the camper and some motion lighting on the side and up the big tree out in front of our camper. Inside I put up a little 18 inch tree and added battery LED lights and strung some garland and hung candy canes around some of the cupboard doors. So it does look a little like Christmas  at our home.

The park is having a parade of lights on Saturday. This is where the neighboring resorts and ours, decorate their golf carts with lights etc and have a parade around the parks. That should be fun to see. There will also be caroling one day this week and a walk around our park to see all the pretty Christmas lights and decorations. Christmas Eve there is a gathering for sharing and a pot luck Christmas Day dinner. Not sure we will participate in the meals, but you never know. We surprise ourselves sometimes.

On Sunday we went, with another couple from here, to Mexico. The small border town, Los Algodones, was just all Mexican shops that lined the street. From home made items to actual dentist, pharmacies, optometry, liquor stores, you name it, you could find anything you wanted, needed, and didn’t know you wanted. hehe We had a very fun time.  Not knowing what to expect I was rather nervous when we came to the border. Wow, fences and barbed wire, border patrol everywhere. It was an amazing sight for this small town Minnesotan to see. Getting into Mexico is a snap, but getting back into your own country of America, is another story. But they let us back in, and yes Mark was let back into the country too. hehe

We have been busy with doing things at the camper, shopping and laundry that sight seeing is slow in coming. But we have 3 more months to enjoy Yuma and all it has to offer. One day we are going to go to the old Yuma prison. I’m thinking that I better bring a long a hair pin just in case. hehe

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