Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Knowing when to ask questions.

Ok today's post would not be possible if it were not for the many people throughout my life that have helped lift and support me. From friends and family, customers, acquaintance's,  and coworkers. The Good Lord has blessed me with a many gifts over my lifetime but the greatest gift he gave me was not only his Son but All of You as well. So please accept this Heart felt moment of Thank You All for your assistance because if it wasn’t for you all the Adventure my wife and I are enjoying now would not have been possible

Today was the first day of my running the Solar System on the new transfer switch I built. And all started out well, so after about a half hour of testing and checking the system Cindy and I headed out for some needed shopping.

We got home about an 1 1/2 hours later only to open the RV door and discover no power and a resounding beep telling us there was a problem. The system was suffering from an overload problem and put itself into auto shutdown mode. I turned off all circuits and began checking from the supply line on both sides (shore power and solar) to see what was wrong. After checking things out and knowing where the system was having problems I had to take a break to think through what I felt was a hint as to what was wrong. 

I kept running up to the same conclusion, I did not know. Now I pride myself on my ability to think through systems logically so this was really throwing me a curve. And as one always wants to look first at what was done last I will admit I thought that my new switch had somehow failed. 

You know a very wise man (Albert Einstein) once said "a wise man is one that  keeps asking questions". Well and my point of this writing you need someone to address the questions to.

I have had the privilege of knowing many tradesmen over the years and so I took the opportunity to call one of them to bounce my issue and findings off of him. Now he was busy at the time with a customer but he took the time to call me back as soon as he finished up. And after he and I had talked and retested the system with his guiding me through  the problem as well as the solution it presented itself.

And yes I was as I thought, out in what an instructor of mine once called “Left Field”. And thru the tutelage of the tradesman we not only resolved the issue but I was enlightened as to why the issue had occurred in the first place. 

A Big Thank You to Duane W. for all the help and time he spent with me over the phone resolving the issue. You didn’t know it but you just proved Einstein right!

Always an Adventure.


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