Monday, November 7, 2016

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday November 6, 2016

Last night we found a Walmart in Dodge City and called it a day. We did ask if we could stay and were told that most park on the south side of the lot but we parked on the north where there were less trucks.  Woke up to sunshine and headed through the parking lot to a gas station for coffee. For some reason we didn’t have enough power to run the coffee pot. Mark will be looking into the transfer switch we we take a longer stay down the road. Anyway the coffee was hot and strong enough to put hair on anyones chest. My goodness everyone down here likes strong thick coffee, but me.

As soon as we got out of Kansas and into Oklahoma the roads turned from good to horrible.  As we later learned all roads in OK are that way. The truck and camper were bounced all over the road. Not to mention how hard Mark had to work to keep the truck and camper on the right side of the road. We stopped many times on our way out of OK to give our bodies and the machinery a rest. Lola was as glad as we were to get out of the truck. The way side rests were as bad as the roads. They have just dilapidated tables with part of a roof on them. No trash cans or toilet. So there was garbage all over the area. But at least we could pull over and stretch our legs. It’s nice having your bathroom with you along the way. :) Feedlots were the only sites to be seen. And some of them stretched as far as the eyes could see. Amazing!!!!!!!

It was a long nasty ride the short distance we had to travel in Oklahoma but we made it unscathed. As soon as we crossed the state line to Texas, the roads instantly turned to great roads. Long long straight roads were very tiring and finding a place to park for the night was next to impossible. Finally we came across the town of Stratford in Texas and there was a unattended RV park with all the hook ups we needed. Finally some rest for Mark and his tired arms and back. We could almost hear the truck sigh in relief. So we let out the slides, put down the stabilizers and settled in for the night. Finally, too, we had a nice meal in our home on wheels. No eating out which was nice, except for all the dishes the meal created. hehe But Mark being the great husband that he is, still helped with the clean up and dishes, before falling asleep in the chair. He deserved that rest too.

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