Friday, November 4, 2016

Marks additions to the trip to far.

So it has been a while since I checked in and left some notes. Funny thing solar works great but it does need sun to get it all fired up soooooo guess what? Its been raining and overcast for over a week and as such our onboard needs sucked the battery bank down too low to use the inverter (12volt to 120volt) so we have been relying solely on the onboard 12 volt systems.

Someone may say I know he said he packed a generator and I did, but without unhitching the camper from the truck it is inaccessable at this time. (Note to self replan storage of generator). But now that we are at a campground and the sun is shining again the battery bank once again is fully charged.

On another note to self “Never Ever” go into a metro Kansas City downtown during rush hour in the rain pulling a 5er. There is room for me and all the rest of the cars and trucks but not truck and 5er and all the rest of the other cars and trucks. What an education I got attempting that poor decission. Almost as stressful as on the next day when I turned to soon and ended up in a very very SMALL PARKING LOT of a financial institute. Trust me when I say I had some Divine Help getting out of that tight spot.

Ok so now what have I been doing to the 5er lately. Well we had a little poo tank issue. Before it was resolved I had opened up the belly of the 5er alone to make sure the drain valve was functioning correctly. If you have been following along then you know that our problem was not the valve (thank God) but our own omission of preparation for use. Today I got a chance to finish closing up the opening with screws and duct tap. Yea I pulled a Red Green trick I know but it worked and I also used some spray foam for the final gaps.Also because of my hast in closing the slid outs while preparing to leave our over night Boon docking location (this time a Walmart)

 I got a chance today to put back on the wheel molding trim that broke because I closed the slide with one of the spare tires we carry in the way………. Oops but really not big deal a strategically placed screw and washer, some tie straps (Lincoln would be proud) and some clear silicone caulking and not to brag but it is in better shape than it was before I screwed it up!

I also got a the time to replace both gas lines that attach the propane tanks to the 5er. They were not leaking but had grown stiff with age and were hard to line up when connecting the line to the propane tank. It really takes on a higher priority after a 1:30 in the morning in the rain and you're attempting to connect the lines on the new tank because the furnace ran out of fuel. But as everything becomes an adventure this gave me a chance to browse thru a local True Value hardware store looking for gas thread tape. Man what a store (thought I died and went to heaven) I could have stayed there all day.

But one quick question? How and why would you pay $279.00 for a Yeti lunch container. One of those lunch bag sized soft sided ones. Man if I had one of those I could not afford to fill it. Really I am sure they have there purpose but are they in that much demand? Why?

Ok it has been a great couple of days laying back and collecting Gov. Pay hehehe. Tomorrow we hit the road again and the adventure continues. Mark

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