Tuesday, November 22, 2016

One week

We have been in our winter home for a week now and don't regret our decision to stay. It's pretty quiet and everyone is so nice and so friendly. The weather is better than we ever expected too. Lows in the mid 50's and highs in the mid to upper 70's and NO humidity. The dirt level around here drives me nuts, but then I didn't have all that far to go anyway. Hush, no comments on that one.

Today I got a haircut at the salon here in the resort. The stylist knew just what I wanted and I got a great cut. So I will go back to her while we are here. Lola will get groomed on Friday. I hope she gets a good cut too. With shorter hair we are hoping that she won't pick up so much dirt.

We are enjoying checking out the various stores around the area and have found some great places to eat as well. Red Lobster being on the top of that list. hehe The grocery stores are very few in this area, but am sure closer to Yuma there will be a much better selection. Not that we need anything out of the ordinary. But I really really need to find some Beau Monde that I use in my veggie dip. The only place in Hutch that I found it was in Cashwise. It was spendy but boy I would pay more just to have some now. I wish I had known I was so low, I would've stocked up before we left. :(

It's so relaxing around here that I think Mark should have his naps perfected soon. But to be sure he still is practising several times a day. It's hard getting used to retirement after working for 55+ years. But he LOVES not going to work every day. I'm still getting used to that. LOL

This Thanksgiving will be the first in many years that I won't be rushing around making a feast. We will take part in the Thanksgiving potluck here at the resort. Everyone brings a dish and the resort supplies the turkeys. I will greatly miss MY dressing and MY gravy. I won't eat any others. Yep, I'm that picky. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday too. Christmas Day I will be making turkey and all the trimmings if I have to borrow room in someone else's RV. hehe Not sure what I'll do with the leftovers, but I will worry about that when the time comes. :)

We won't be missing out on Christmas cookies. With help from Mark the cookies will get made. They just won't be as fancy as other years and the batches will be much much smaller. This should be interesting.


  1. I really enjoy almost all dressing but boy do i really love yours. I like gravy as long as its the same color as yous, not too white, not dark. Im gonna make maple bacon cookies for christmas and shape them and into some of our favs and eat my fav parts first lol

  2. I won't be eating any dressing this year and I Highly doubt I will try any gravy either. :(
