Sunday, November 13, 2016

November 13, 2016

Here we are in Apache Junction AZ. We finally found our warmer weather. hehe And this is the view from our camper door this morning....

This morning I'll be going to church on tv again today. The churches here are far from all of the campgrounds and we can’t remember where WE are half the time to begin to remember where we saw the last church. Today sometime we will set a route and call ahead for a one month stay. All done rushing to get where it’s warm, we are there. Just not sure where we will set up for a longer stay just yet. Then we can do some sight seeing. Towing the RV makes that difficult to do, to say the least. Even getting gas is difficult. Not all stations are set up for a rig to pull through unless you have diesel like the semi’s do. Our truck runs on gas.

We are enjoying our travels and  will like it much better once we can set up camp on a more permanent basis. Like a month or a couple weeks at a time. Tearing down and setting up all the time is wearing on us. We have met some couples that have been doing the full time RVing for years.They all sold more of their stuff than we did too. And each year they clear more out of their storage. hehe For us this first year is a learning curve and have been told that the first year is the hardest. We knew that going in, but have been reassured that the second year is better. hehe Each time we go out we learn something, And that we need to write things down. LOL

The mountains have been way more than I ever expected. OMG, what a  wondrous sight of what God created. Some times they look like just a back drop from a movie, they are so surreal. Driving through them wasn’t as scary, for me, as I thought it would be. Mark was white knuckleing it but he never showed it once. My mouth was hanging open in awe the whole time. I just couldn’t take pictures fast enough either. The phone that Mark got me before we left was not working very well, so he got me a fabulous new one at Verizon in Flagstaff for my birthday. And it has a wonderful camera on it. We may get the extra camera attachment too. But I’m kind of frugal and don’t want to spend the money. But then again, what we have been seeing I really want to save in a picture. Anyway back to the scenery. Everywhere you turn your head you see mountains. I don’t think I could ever get sick of that sight.

Oklahoma was just a short go through at the panhandle. The roads were terrible so we were glad the time there was short. Kansas was very pretty and the people were so nice and friendly. Texas was just cattle and feedlots and miles of that or miles of nothing. hehe New Mexico was filthy, we will not return to visit or stay. Arizona is a place that I could stay. Love all of it, but wouldn’t love it in the summer, on this side of the mountains. Then it is too hot. This week will be the last of the HOT weather, then it will be more to our liking, in the mid to low 70’s for a high and 40’s at night. Some days of course will be warmer. I see that snow is in the forecast for Minnesota at the end of the week. 

 Mark has some things to fix on the camper before we can boondock for a longer period of time, and we need to make a WM run. We looked on line last night and found one to be only a mile or two away. :) Then back here to sit and do nothing. :) Mark said he loves not knowing what day of the week it is, setting the alarm clock or going to work. hehehe Good thing I brought a calendar to keep track or what day of the week it is. hehe


  1. I imagine it would be so easy to just stop paying attention to the rest of the world or at least its concept of time keeping. I think i would try to lose track just so i could be pleasantly surprised when someone told me something so trivial lol. but in that case you would still need something for remembering important days i guess. I think getting the picture attachment would be great as from this page ur pics would look great in your blog. I will have Patrick this weekend and would like to do a video call if you guys can get somewhere with internet. We can use Skype or facetime just have dad let me know and we can make a test call befor hand at some point to test and make sure we have everything working. Anytime you wanna chat id love a phone call. I never know when is a good time now, but for me anytime befor 8pm or after 6 am lol. Love you guys and thank mom for doing the blog for this, its a really nice way to kepp track. im gonna have to learn how to use it better but i like it.

  2. Great to hear from you Lincoln. We are an hour behind you guys. We would love to do a video chat. We will be in Yuma this weekend and will contact you to do a chat one way or the other. :) I'm so happy that you check this blog and like it. I enjoy doing it, but sometimes I feel like it is a boring read to some people.
