Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day 3 November 3, 2016

This morning, Nov. 3rd we woke up to a flat tire on the camper. So we called our Good Sams club and someone came and changed the tire for us. That was nice to have. The man that changed the tire said it looked more like it was just out of air. He was a very nice guy and finished the job quickly. He also told us how to get to the campgrounds we were heading for. A quick coffee and breakfast flatbread at Subway and we were on our way.

We are now at the Owl Nest campgrounds in Junction City, Kansas. Very nice lady held the spot for us. She felt so bad that we had issues on our first trip to Kansas. The site we got was a drive through so we didn’t even have to back the camper into the spot. The campgrounds is a bit too close to the highway so it’s noisey, but ear plugs work well for sleeping. Mark even wore them last night and he slept better. He won’t laugh at me and my earplugs again. LOL It’s a nice little campgrounds with all that we need to enjoy our two day stay.

A couple bonuses to this nice little campgrounds is that it has free wifi, and 50 amp service. Which means I don't have to unplug one small appliance to use another. Wow, I like being spoiled.

 It is nice and sunny and now it’s 72º with a nice breeze. Love the sun and being able to open all the windows in the camper for a change. Last night it only got down to 49º, which is what it was this morning, and the people here thought it was cold. hehe 
 Tonight we are going out for supper to someplace where we can sit and relax. 

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