Thursday, November 3, 2016

Day 2 November 2, 2016

The next morning, Nov.2nd, it was overcast and cool, which is what we were used to by now. So we tore down and headed out of Iowa. But not before having a great cup of coffee and some sustenance. 

Getting tired by the time we got to Kansas City Missouri we looked for a WM. OMG, that is not a place to be during rush hour. It was so bad we couldn’t even begin to look for a place to stay. The constant rain was no help at all.

We did, however, find a small Walmart to pull into and see how to get out of that city. Oh, When we got into the WM parking lot, I took Lola for a walk and we noticed there was hail all over. God saved us from that hail that could have destroyed our solar panels. The grass was white with hail!!! There was a slight break in the rain and we found our road to leave the city never to return. hehe 

The rain continued to follow us all night long.  When we came upon a large parking lot along side of a Walmart, we parked it for the night. We put on way too many miles in one day. Even poor little Lola was feeling lousy from that long ride. A conclusion was made that that will NOT happen again. We are in no hurry so quit hurrying.