Monday, April 30, 2018

Welcome to summer

For several weeks now we have been in some pretty warm weather. It's been in the mid to upper 90's, some days there is a nice breeze and other days, not so much. Without the humidity it is still tolerable to walk to get the mail, and head out to do some shopping, and you can still breath. There is a big difference in the feel from sunshine to shade as well as a big temp difference of 10º or better. The sun actually hurts somewhat when shining down on you. But I am not a sun worshiper so I don't sit in the sun unless it happens to be on me through a window in the car. This week we are in a low pressure system so the temps are more to my liking, the mid 70's. By Friday we will be back in the upper 90's.

Last week we joined a class at church to hopefully meet some people. It's a small group of great diversity. It meets every Monday evening, not sure for how long. There is a ladies retreat the weekend of Mothers Day that I am considering to join, Mark is pretty adamant about me going, but he never demands me to do anything. I'm not very social and very insecure, so I'm debating on joining. Part of me wants to, the other part is not so comfortable about joining. We love going to church again and love the message of Pastor Tom and the music. So at least we are getting out with others. It's just a slow process of meeting people when you are new.

Yesterday a friend from MN went to church with us. We were excited to share with him. He said he really liked the service and the message. The music wasn't quite as exciting as it usually is because there were new people in the worship team. But they still did a great job. We went to lunch after church at the Black Bear. The food is wonderful, portions are generous, the price is right and the service is great. We had a nice visit too. There were plans of going to a museum but allergies prevented us from doing so. Maybe another time.

Today we are enjoying the fact that it's cool enough to have the house opened up and the a/c off. With the cooler temps I'll be able to make a supper in the oven and not be concerned about heating up the house.. First order was my home made pizza, hehe. Mark loves them. 

After today we will be down to just one other neighbor on our block. And they are on the other end. It is so quiet here it is erie. Last night something was banging in the wind, a sound that we shouldn't ordinarily be hearing. First I thought someone was trying to get into an empty place so I grabbed my gun and looked around outside from the porch. Nope, just a piece of aluminum that came loose at the neighbors a few doors down. Today I'll walk down there and see if I can fix it or have Mark come with and maybe the two of us can fix it for them. Everyone around here looks after one another. That's the way it should be too.

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