Monday, April 9, 2018

Always a need for adult supervision.

Today my bride left with some friends to head south of the boarder on a Drug Run. Before everyone goes crazy, we, as a lot of the resort occupants, legally purchase some of our pharmaceuticals in Mexico because of the substantially cheaper prices.
Now that I have cleared that up the point of this is that I was left with no adult supervision for several hours. Never a good thing even from my perspective.
As it was only 61deg this morning I sat with the door open and a fan blowing into the house to capture the cool outside air. One of my first tasks after two cups of coffee while doing some internet surfing was now to decide when to close up and turn on the AC.
For most people who do not live here this would not be seen as much of a dilemma but keep this in mind it heats up very fast here in the desert. So I closed up once at 79º and turned on the AC. Shortly there after stepping outside I came back in shut down the AC and reopened up.
A half hour later it is time for me to leave to run some tasks and again I am closing up and turning back on the AC as it is 90º. Glad the park is scantly occupied on our block this time of year and Cindy is with most of them so no one saw me looking so clueless.
After completing my tasks I rewarded myself with a stop @ Del Taco for breakfast. Poor Decision? Possibly but as mentioned No Adult Supervision!
It was still quite early and I not wanting a breakfast asked for a #9. The clerk looking back at me with a puzzled look on her face again asking what I wanted so I repeated a #9 while pointing at the menu. She then said oh you want a regular meal and after agreeing she rang me up and gave me a guest number. On a side note as long as it took it was obvious they were not ready for orders other than breakfast at the time.
While waiting I took a table next to two Boarder Patrolmen, a common sight around the FootHills, and struck up a conversation. As it has been announced that the National Guard was being deployed to Arizona I was curious to know if they were going to be receiving any Troops assigned to their location, so I asked and was quite surprised by their response.
They said that they hoped so, as they were down about 100 Troops from their regular numbers. I asked why and they said one of the reasons is the 18 to 37 year old age bracket for recruitment, unless you have a military background which then they said your physical condition becomes the limiting factor.
As we talked I asked more questions about their targeted age group and they elaborated  saying, with some sarcasm in their tone, that one of the problems is finding recruits that can pass the "Lie Detector Test" which is the common term used for "Drug Test".
I really had not given a lot of thought to it but as we talked they said that with most states now allow Medical Marijuana Prescriptions as well as more and more states passing Recreational use of Marijuana while the Federal Government still lists it as against the law i could see a whole new perspective to the problem.
Perhaps it's time for Jeff Sessions (DOJ) to revise his  thinking on the issue if not only from a employer employee perspective.

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