Monday, April 2, 2018

All in Gods plan.

I have been looking for Opportunities to arise and yesterday on the way home from church one did. An older couple traveling on the I8 had the misfortune of their patio awning coming loose (something that happens all too often) turned into a sail and tore from it's mounting leaving them stranded along side the road.
As I passed them I could see they were struggling with what remained of the awning dangling from the side of the 5er. So after heading home just a few blocks down the road, I grabbed a ladder, pry bar, my largest water pump plier, 3 reflective triangles and tossed out all in the dually and  headed out to offer assistance.
It didn't take long to find them. Pulling over I turned on my warning lights and set up the reflectors. As I had changed my clothes and was now dressed in orange, most of the traffic pulled into the inside lane as they sped past giving me a little room to work.
I approached a little lady that went about 4 foot nothing in her sombrero. I offered my assistance to her and her husband. Her pale face lit up with a smile as bright as the sky. Her husband and I talked about a solution as we assessed the task at hand.
He had already cut the tarp freeing it from the 5er, but was still dangling by the bent bracketry that hadn't ripped free from the 5er. I retrieved my wrenches, pry bar and the water pump plier and started bending and disassembling what was left, as I assured the little lady everything would be just fine. She had gotten quite upset by the experience.
We got the rest of the pieces removed and I helped put them and the awning into the camper while the husband explained they were slowly heading back to their home 850 miles away in N. Cal.. The lady asked me where I was from and I told her my wife and I were Minnesotans originally. She asked what brought us here meaning Yuma and looking her directly in the eye said. To help you!
Obviously we all knew that wasn't true but the look in her eye as she said, "well you sure have" was priceless.
I stayed collecting my things and putting everything back into the dually as they headed back out on their own Adventure and I mine!
Well until the next opportunity arises.
It's Always an Adventure.

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