Saturday, April 14, 2018

Wind and dirt.

We had a couple days of really nice temps after being pretty hot for a couple weeks. With the two nice days of mid 70's the wind was horrendous. And in the desert dirt blows heavily in the wind. Especially when the wind is clocked at 25 and the gusts are 30 mph. In some area's the visablility was less than a mile. Against my better judgement I had windows and doors open then too.

That being said, I had a lot of dirt that had to get out of the house. And that mean moving furniture, taking curtains down, washing and vacuuming everything in and out of sight. Ok so I didn't wash down the inside of the cupboards, but thankfully they were spared from all the flying dirt. It took me all morning to get everything cleaned. So very thankful our home isn't large!!!!

While I was cleaning on the inside of the house, Mark was washing the outside of the house, porch and windows too. The previous owners had carpet put down on the porch, which looks nice and keeps the dust down, but it also traps the dirt and stays wet for quite some time. When the house side of the porch dries Mark will hose off the sunscreen on the north side of the porch. My but we will have a very clean abode when all is done.

Oh NO!!!!!!! After all my work the wind has kicked in. Geesh I just can't win. Well the house was clean for a couple hours anyway. I'm thinking the a/c isn't such a bad idea today. ;)

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