Monday, April 23, 2018


Well we finally broke down and got a little freezer. Now to figure out how in the hell you organize one of those stupid chest freezers. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to have a freezer. But the chest freezers are such a pain in the butt to find things inside. If you don't have many small baskets to will lose everything to the bottom. And no matter what or how you pack the freezer, you have to empty it to get to what you want. We looked into upright freezers but none are small enough or a home with limited space.

It was getting crazy very frustrating finding good sales and having no room to put extra foods. And paying full price all the time really cuts into a limited budget. Right now a grocery store in town has a really great meat sale so we will be off to fill our freezer. hehe Actually there is quite a bit in there just from the overstuffed fridge freezer. I could almost hear the fridge sigh in relief. At least that one will no be easier to find what I need. hehe

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