Saturday, March 31, 2018

Getting hot.

Well if we were in MN the 100º temp we are experiencing now would be unbearable. But there is no humidity so it is tolerable, not likeable, but tolerable. hehehe

This morning we put insulated foil on our 3 south windows and the 1 east bedroom window to help block some of the sun's heat against the glass.
Monday the a/c unit was checked and found to be in very good condition. By the grace of God the a/c will keep us cool all summer long. I think we are ready for the summer heat. Well we have done what we can to make it more comfortable in our home. The pavement, concrete as well as the rocks get pretty hot in the sun so Lola will get a ride to the dog walk area so she doesn't burn her feet. With the Smart Car we don't worry about gas mileage anymore. Lola is more important anyway.

Last night we went to the Good Friday service at our new church. It was presented, by Pastor Tom and Nathan, so well that I couldn't keep the tears from flowing. It is by far the most moving Good Friday service I have ever gone to. We are looking forward to going to church each Sunday and have even agreed to go to the 9 o'clock service rather than the 11 o'clock service. Getting up early isn't such a chore when you really look forward to something.

Well time to get my feet up and rest from my Easter dinner prep. We wish all our friends and family a blessed Easter.

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