Monday, March 19, 2018

Caravan Oasis is home

So some have asked how big the resort is we have chosen to call home. So enclosed is a map of the resort, Caravan Oasis, for those who are interested. I have placed a red Star on the lot we are in and it also gives you a good view of the parks layout and it's amenities, like Darts and Pools. And yes there are two pools. Keep in mind we are living in a Desert!

We are planning on staying here this summer. No matter how crazy you think we might be, we will be one of 8 other couples that will have the park to ourselves. And as you can see it's a Big Park

We know how hot it can and probably will get here. But we are looking at this as a new adventure. While living in Minnesota we have lived thru -30ยบ weather with colder windchills, I have personally, during a Blizzard, walked right past Hutchinson Manufacturing building which is huge, without seeing it. Walked on the top of cars while following Hwy 7 into town. Shared Ice Fish many time driving onto the lake and if we are to give pure facts have even taken friends trolling on ice topped lakes. 

Not to mention the hot summers in MN, with humidity so high you can't breathe and mosquitoes big enough to carry off a small dog and so thick that you can't be outside in the summer either.

Now is this the same as facing the heat of a Yuma Summer. Nope, not one bit. But that is why we decided to give it a try. If it does not work so be it. But if it does ,we will be adding the results to the list of things we have accomplished.

Remember It's Always an Adventure!!

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