Sunday, March 4, 2018

Guying around with a friend.

A friend/coworker of Marks spends the winter in Yuma. He contacted Mark the other day to go to a classic car show. I was asked to go along but thought it would be a good for Mark to have a "guy day" away from me.

Mark and Steve had a great time and I was told that the show was one of the best around. Lots of beautiful vehicles and from the sounds of it, darn good hot dogs and root beer floats too. To end the day the two hooligans sat at a place down the road and enjoyed a few extra large beers. hehehe I'm so glad they both had a good time and have each other to do some guy things with. Sadly Steve will be leave in June sometime. But that still gives them some time to get together again.

Today we are going to check out a new church. Tuesday when I got my haircut, my stylist told me about the churches she has gone to and a little about each of them.  A friend of hers, that I met in the salon, will be the greeter this morning. It will feel extra welcoming knowing the greeter. It is more than time to find a home church now that we are living in Yuma, and not just visiting. So we will be visiting the churches she told me about. She and I have had the same bible study books so we have often had some very nice biblical discussions.

A breezy, cool morning with bright Yuma sunshine. Today will be the cooler of the days this week. Then temps have really been a roller coaster ride this winter.

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