Friday, March 16, 2018

We are Yumans.

It's possible that we have settled in to a comfortable routine around here. A routine of doing just what we want when we want to do it. hehe We have spent several winters here so we got to know the area pretty well. But now with the Smart Car, Shelby, we bop around more.

Due to price gouging and the fact that Verizon ticked me off, we now have T-Mobile for seniors as our cell phone provider. The coverage isn't as good, but we don't travel all over anymore and it works here plus T-Mobile is $140 less a month. With the change, we found that my cell phone had an antenna issue. When we bought the phone we took out the extra warranty and am I glad we did. The new phone will be arriving today and with it, another one year warranty. Same day shipping is nice!!!

Yesterday we drove around looking for an affordable yet nice groomer for Lola. After 4 stops we found one that really seemed to have nice groomers and a clean atmosphere for our little girl. Who by the way is, of course, spoiled. Prices go up around here when the snowbirds are here so we are hoping that the next cut will be less money. Around here businesses take advantage of the winter visitors like MN takes advantage of the summer visitors, and everyone pays for it. So wrong in my opinion. But it is what it is.

We found a wonderful church to attend, thanks to my stylist and a friend of hers. Andrea, the friend, was a greeter that first Sunday and told us a few things. The music about blew us out of the church but had us singing even though we didn't know the songs. hehe The message from Pastor Tom was amazing. Not once did Mark need suck candy or fidget in his seat. Andrea met us after the service and asked us what we thought and introduced us to the pastor. And she also walked us to our car while she explained some things the church had to offer. We were very impressed with her discipling and the whole experience. Yes, we went back the following Sunday and plan to make StoneRidge Church our home church here in Yuma. Oh when we got to the church we were unsure of where to go, so I said to a lady by a podium that we were visitors. She greeted us warmly and gave us each a bag with a soda, straw and microwave popcorn in it. The tag on the bag read, "Pop pop, fizz fizz, oh what a great guest you iz".

This week Wednesday, some of our neighbors put together a block bbq to meet and greet. Burgers were grilled and everyone brought a covered dish to share, BYOB, and your chair and serving setting. It was great to meet more of our neighbors and everyone had a wonderful time.

We had a signal indicator issue with the SmartCar, so it's been to the shop and is scheduled to go back and get a new relay put in. All of this is covered by the shop from where we purchased the car. It should be too.

Wednesday morning I received a call from Wells Fargo saying they had my car loan. I flipped out and told the lady that I don't now or ever will do business with Wells Fargo. I promptly hung up and called the dealer very angry. I had told them NOT to go with Wells Fargo, but they had anyway. Well that forced our hand to finally get a bank here in town. Off to AEA we went to open a checking, savings account and get a car loan.

The lady we dealt with at AEA, was awesome, as were all of the employees. It was like being in Hutch at MidCountry where everyone knows me. Anita made the whole process fun, easy and we got an incredible interest rate as well. We have super great credit scores so the loan went through without a hitch even though they didn't know us from Adam and we only lived in Yuma for a month. I did learn that I need to carry our utility bill with me for awhile to prove residency until I get my drivers license changed in November. Anyway, now that we have a car registered in Arizona, a home in Arizona and a bank in Arizona, and a church in Arizona, we are officially Yumans. hehe

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