Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Getting ready for the summer heat.

Summer in Yuma can get, no scratch that, DOES get very hot. So we are getting things ready to keep us and our home safe from the extreme heat of the sun. 

We have measured windows to put foil insulation in the windows, just like we did in the RV. We just have to purchase that and the tape to hold the insulation in place. Yesterday Mark built a covering for the a/c unit, water softener, and the propane tanks. 
Next will be a type of car port for the SmartCar. The sun really does a number on the paint of vehicles. We can see the difference from the AZ cars to the northern cars. One has rust and the other has paint peeling. Each area has its downfalls. Our truck is parked in a neighbor's car port, that is for sale and no one comes here anymore, until we have to move the truck.

Yesterday we got the new kitchen sink. The one that is in our home is barely 6 inches deep. It’s hard to fill a kettle, a bottle, wash dishes or even wash your hands. I’ll be glad to get rid of the old one. The new one is stainless steel and is 8 inches deep. the counter isn’t as deep as your standard home sink nor is it as wide so we had a hard time finding one that would fit in here. But Lowe's had one that we could order online. Oh yes, Mark is really looking forward to another plumbing job. LOL He is also going to put in larger drains since the ones in here are so terribly small that the sink takes a long time to drain. I opted to not get new faucets since there is nothing wrong with the ones already in here. The bathroom sink is also in need  of replacing. It is the ugliest earwax gold we have ever seen. But all can’t be done at once. Rich we are not.

Miss Lola has been under the weather the last few days. She eats some and drinks lots of water but all she does is sleep all day long.Today isn’t starting out much better. Maybe she thinks she is retired and can do nothing all day. hehe  Either way we will keep a close eye on her water intake and how often she goes out to go potty. Too bad dogs can’t talk, but then sometimes that is a good thing. hehehe

Looks like today the kitchen sink is going in. I was asked to empty the under the sink cabinet and all the things next to and around the sink. Let the plumbing begin………

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