Friday, May 4, 2018

May 4, 2018

Cindy met a 90+ year old lady while doing laundry that has been living here in the park for over 30 years. It was fun listening to Cindy tell me about all the changes the lady has witnessed to the park over the years. Seems the parks entrance use to be on the east side thru what is now a U-Haul Store, as it was built before the frontage road existed. Now what is the big about that is the frontage road gives you access to hundreds of homes, a huge complex of townhouses spanning enough blocks to get lost in. And 5 High End RV Resorts including the one we are in now. From what I have been told the FootHills really rocked in the 90's. It could take you over a year just to reserve a spot.
Other big new is this weekends temps are predicted to reach 107 degrees which will ether make or brake the current weather record. They put out heat warnings and listed the areas to turn to for rest and cool down. It's kind of like the missions in Minnesota that one can go when it is cold to stay the night and warm up.
News of today, because of a high setting atop us, it is going to be 96 degrees so if the breeze picks up it will be ok today.
So now it is 98 degrees and the breeze is not quite as high as I would like soooooooooo "Baby it's Warm Outside".
Wait isn't that a song or something? But it's still not bad. I got up, Lola went to the groomer, Cindy went to the Doctor and she got right in and we got some more rolls............. Yeah!
It's Always an Adventure!

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