Tuesday, October 31, 2017

From Furnace to Axels

It’s the end of October and the weather in Pahrump is finally cooling down. From what the locals say, this week has been unseasonably hot. The upper 80's and low 90's are not for me!!!  But we are now coming into more of the normal temps of the mid to low 70’s during the day and the upper 30’s to low 40’s at night.

With the cooler days Mark will be busy working on the 5er. Upon some inspection he found that the axels need some parts replaced. Thankfully he can do the work himself, and Amazon had the parts that we need. We have 13 days left here so Mark has no need to rush getting the job done. I hope he remembers that and doesn’t try to do it all in a few days. It’s a major undertaking but he feels that he can accomplish what needs to be done. God will guide him all the way too.

We had a nice surprise this week. A friend that we met in Yuma last year, came to Pahrump on his way down to Yuma and looked for us. He is now parked next to us for a few days. His beautiful partner is recouping from a broken ankle but will be joining him in Yuma sometime after the new year.  Today he and Mark took his Motor home into town to solve a problem. The part is ordered and Mark will put it in for him when it gets here. Mark needs to open a  traveling repair shop. hehe He often helps others in need.

Even though Nevada’s Treasure RV Resort is beautiful, we are looking forward to heading to Yuma and meet up with our winter snowbird friends. Lots to look forward to as we all reconnect and have some fun while leaving the snow behind. :)

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