Saturday, October 14, 2017

First week

Our first week in Pahrump, Nevada went well. The first two days of our stay were quite warm so the a/c got a work out. The rest of the week, it was too nice outside to turn the a/c on although when inside the a/c would’ve felt great. By around 5 the sun is setting so the temps drop fast. Around here the sun really is the boss. At night the furnace runs since it gets down to the mid 40’s to low 50’s. Mornings are crisp and cool and great for Lola’s morning walk to the dog run or around the resort.

On a trip into town to get some things at Home Depot, Mark dropped me off at WM so I could get a much needed hair cut. The stylist did a great job so I was double happy. After shopping for a few groceries Mark and I went to look at some new and used motorhomes and 5th wheels. It’s fun to look even though we have no intentions of buying. We are happy with the home we have. It’s paid for and that is an even bigger reason not to buy. hehe

Today our little Miss Lola went to the groomer. Mommy is always apprehensive when taking her someplace new. But the lady has been grooming for 25 years and the reviews were all wonderful. 

After we dropped off Lola, we headed to Mom’s Diner for breakfast, oh dear they are huge, delicious breakfasts there at a more than fair price. I just couldn’t finish the whole thing. Mark had no trouble, but was more than full when we left the diner. Smiths grocery and a stop to fuel up the truck and we headed back home. 

The groomer called us around 3 to come and get Lola. She was rather curt when we got there. It seems she wasn’t real happy with the fact that Lola is a wiggle worm. Dana is used to it and Lola is used to Dana. But Lola got a very nice cut and even has little ribbons on her ears. I have no idea how to get them off without tearing her hair and hurting her, other than cutting them out before I can’t get the ribbons out at all.  She has never had ribbons in her hair before.

My gland is still not back to normal and now the tendonitis in my elbow is causing problems with my left arm. When we get to Yuma, if I can last that long, I’ll find an orthopedic doctor and get a shot in the elbow. It’s about every two years that I need one. Then I should be good until something else on me falls apart. “sigh”

Yesterday Mark put in a new faucet in the kitchen sink. The old one, for a reason we don’t know, would always get so tight you couldn’t move the nozzle and sometimes turn off the water. As long as he had the sink out, he replaced the stainers too. The sink looks new. And it is so nice not working so hard just to turn on the water. Oh and yes, as always when working with plumbing, Mark did get a wet. hehe

Last night Mark went looking for scorpions and came across a man that catches them for pets. Yikes. The gentleman was well informed about those little buggers. Mark learned that scorpions have 8 eyes but can not see. The don’t like light which is why they are out at night, the smaller ones are more aggressive and venomous than the big ones too. Scorpions are not native to the area. The palm trees you see all over are not native either. They were brought in from Mexico and along with them came the scorpions, hidden in the bark. 

 With the information Mark got last night and finding a scorpion by the 5er where Lola goes, we are going to Home Depot today to get some spray to kill and ward off the scorpions. He will also, unknown by him as of yet,  be spraying the area and RV for any other bugs.  I guess there are black widow spiders here too. Darn I have bugs.  Why stay here you ask? We love the resort is our answer.

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