Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Visiting Friends

Yesterday we met up with some friends that we met in Yuma last winter. They live here in Utah, so we went to lunch together and had a wonderful time visiting. The drive to and from Heber was so beautiful. But to me it’s always beautiful in Utah. I love fall and all that it entails and God painted all the mountains and hills the most beautiful colors. I don’t know how Mark managed to stay on the roads while observing all the wonders around us.

After getting home, we had to tear down so we could dump the tanks. Then move back to our site and set up all over again. That is ONE of the down falls of not having full hook ups and having to move to dump. But it got done in spite of all my fussing. hehe We both took long much needed showers after that. Mark went to the shower room here at the resort and I opted to stay home and shower where the water is soft. :) Yep, I do like the comforts of home and knowing that the shower is clean. Seeing as how we only have antenna to rely on here, there is very little tv to watch. But I do like to read so that helped pass the time after my shower.

Today we will be heading back to the clinic for hopefully some relief from my plugged up salivary gland. I ate a bagel this morning to make sure it was still acting up. Yep, it blew up like a balloon. Praying for relief today. I don’t care if they have to drain it to get it unplugged, I just want to be without pain.

If I have no pain from a procedure we will be going to visit some other friends here in Utah. Lola will get to come along as well. She is always welcomed there with open arms and treats. hehe So we are looking forward to another enjoyable day with great friends.

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