Saturday, October 7, 2017

Nevada's Treasure once again.

Landed in Pahrump today to settle in for a month. Doing a full set up, haven't had that since we left so it is going to feel good to be home.
We took the same site as last year and were greeted by two of the same neibors as we had before. So great to see them again and plan on getting a chance to catch up with them real soon.
The dually did another amazing job of pulling us and the 5er thru flat land, valley and mountain passes. She has already gotten 5,000 miles on her since we left so she due for a service.
Got a chance to see Batman and his lovely bride Bettie in Salt Lake City before we left Utah and talked to Norm and Donna on the way out of town so we have our site reservations all set up for our winter stay in Yuma.
Big Thank You goes out to Batman for loaning us his power cooler. We were able to pick up extra supplies in town before we left Utah and keep them nice and cold.
BTW the thermal cooler is a Coleman 120v/12v and works fantastically. It's set up in the RV running off the 120 volt inverter, powered by our solar as we drive down the road. I love it when a plan works. It Rocks.
Cell reception was poor at best last year, but with my new phone I hope it works so I don't have walk to the south wall for signal. It is 86 deg. right now so it feels warm in the sun but it is really nice in the shade even without a breeze. Mark.

The trip to Pahrump was uneventful unless you count going through Las  Vegas. Luckily the town really does sleep during the day so the traffic wasn't as bad as it could've been later in the day. But more than I could've handled; Mark drove through like it was second nature to him. He amazes me with the type of driving that has he had to go through. God gave him quite a skill.

Tonight we went to supper at the restaurant here at the resort. We were happy to see that Angel was still waitressing. We really got nice welcoming hugs. The social butterfly of the resort welcomed us back as did the ladies at the front desk. As Mark said, it was like coming home.

Leaving Utah we found that no Walmarts allowed overnight parking and some other places as well. So we drove further, to Nevada and stayed in a WM lot there. In the morning I walked across the lot to the store and picked up supplies so we don't have to leave here for a few days. And I got a much wanted bottle of wine for a glass or two tonight.  I found the WM store to be very clean, and the people very friendly. It was quite warm when we got there but by the next morning I had to turn the furnace on to get the chill out. It got down to 53º

It has cooled off here in Pahrump after a hot 87º. Without the humidity it is more tolerable than the northern states where it is humid. By later tonight the a/c will go off and we will be bundled up under the covers as the temp drops to 55.
As always, Miss Lola was a great traveler, but very happy to be out of the truck and in her own bed. She likes the dog walk where she can be loose to run and sniff as she pleases. We will no longer walk along the outskirts of the park as we did last year. That rattlesnake may be gone, but it is not the only one in the Nevada desert. 

Time now to hit the shower and then pour myself a glass of wine while I sit in the recliner with my feet up. We had a long hard day. Cindy

As always, it's an adventure.

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