Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Not too hot in the dessert

A hectic morning. I woke up to Mark hurriedly getting dressed, and myself being quite chilly. My first thought was that we ran out of propane sooner than we should’ve. But when I crawled out of my warm cocoon I found Mark checking fuses and the furnace. Yep, you guessed it, the furnace gave up the ghost. It had been rather noisy at startup for some time already.

So after taking the furnace out from under a cabinet, of which it was put under before the cabinet went in, Mark proceeded to price his options on line.

The next thing I know the furnace is outside on the work table and Mark is heading into town. Upon returning from town he proceeded to tear the furnace apart. When I asked him what he was planning on doing, he really didn’t know yet. hehe But decided fixing it may be cheaper than a new one. Time will tell whether or not it will get fixed or replaced. In the meantime we are praying it doesn’t get so cold over night until the furnace is in and running again.
After much discussion and hard thinking we decided to order a new one. It made more sense replacing the whole furnace rather than replacing parts of a 15 year old furnace only to have it go down again. Amazon will have the new one here by Thursday. 

As always, it’s an adventure.

***UPDATE: Upon further inspection we found that the heat exchange was cracked and rusted. So we are doubly glad that we ordered a new furnace and not just parts. And thank God the furnace quit running before we were endangered by the CO2. 

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