Monday, May 8, 2017

Time to dry out.

The last week in Provo. Next Tuesday I can say good bye to the lake in front of our steps. Today we have to pick up the RV rug that is in front of the step. There is a nasty smell by our home and I believe it is because of the saturated ground under the rug. We have blocks of wood to step on as well, and they too are soaked and need to be dried in the sun. The neighbor has moved on so we will use the two picnic tables to drape the rug for it to dry. It is a plastic weave rug made for to put the ground without hurting the grass. But as wet as it is here it needs to air out before we can pack it away. I think I’ll gather branches that have fallen from the recent wind and put them in front of the step so we can get inside the camper without sinking in the mud. The campground waters every day and compound that water with the recent rains makes for a very wet area. The lady in the office was no help when I complained last week. I pity the person that gets lot # G-10 next.

The weekend was wet and windy but it was also when we met up with friends we met in Yuma. Craig and Sheralene met us at the Golden Corral for supper Saturday night. After many tight hugs and greetings we went inside to a very very busy buffet. We talked for over two hours non stop and it was so much fun. It took me a long time to settle down for the night to get some sleep. It was so great meeting up with them.  Since we love Utah and they live in Utah, we will see them again. :) We have other friends that live in Utah and we will be seeing them too.

Now it’s back to figuring out our next route to travel. Since the tourists have really taken over some of the big tourist attractions, we will be going a different way north than we had planned. Since Memorial Day is in the mix too we will be doing more dry camping then we have been doing. Which is fine by me, I don’t like being around a lot of people or kids!!  Mark has a great solar system working well so we can dry camp anywhere. We will just need to be more mindful of our water usage, what electrical appliance we use and when, and keep an eye on the black water tank and where we can dump. Not much to think about. LOL Who am I kidding. 

Time to get to some cleaning. Yes, even RV life has cleaning and laundry to do.

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