Sunday, May 21, 2017

From sleet to snowstorm

May 16, 2017

Left Provo behind and headed east to Colorado, Grand Junction to be exact.
Tried to make a tourist stop in Moab but there was a big rally going on so the place reminded me of a bee hive.
Well the 5er really got it's mountain climbing wings today as we crossed over the mountains on hwy 6/191/i70 old school right thru the center of the mountains both up and down and she shined.
Ran into rain that turned to sleet on one HILL that really got my attention as we were coming down a 7deg. grade with unguarded curves. But the towhaul worked like a charm and really saved the day. Awesome!
We are now in a parking lot running on solar and life is Grand. 
Always an Adventure

May 17, 2017

Put in about 7 1/2 hours and roughly 290 miles in the 5er yesterday traveling thru some more of this great country of ours. To say “I have seen things I ain't never seen before” would be an understatement of epic proportion.
I want to say every minute I have spent on this wonderful Adventure has been amazing for myself and I believe my lovely bride as well. And the number of people that are doing the same thing as us has surprised me.
They tell you some of the most friendly people you will meet are in the campsites you stay at and this has been proven true many times over as we have made some great friends along the path of our travels.
As some of you know we have put together a rather modest package to do our exploring in. And so have been parked next to some people that have many times more into there rigs than ours. But that difference is erased the minute we all start talking or even look like we might need some help.
Just yesterday I was setting up the ladder to go onto the roof to sweep off the slide outs and clean off the solar panels before we left. The guy next door who was getting ready to off load this Harley three wheeler from the aluminum bike trailer he pulled behind his Tiffin Motorhome asked if I needed any help. Now this is the same guy that has a Chev Pickup that is so tricked out I didn’t even know what brand it was. And as many of you know I have spent most of my life in the auto industry so to trick something out that much had to have been done by the pro.
So we got to talking and come to find out he guy holding my ladder, driving a $300,000+ dollar Motors Home and who knows how much money into his pickup and bike is from Alaska and is in the Gold Mining Industry. He and his wife are “full time” RV’ers too selling their home and traveling full time but he still flies up to Alaska two weeks out of every four as he still works.
My point being that I am not sure he and I would have met under the same much less any other conditions in life. So as they say we all put on our pants one leg at a time is proven time and time again while Cindy and I travel this great Voyage.
It’s always an Adventure

May 17, 2017
Don't feel too bad about being stuck here in Cheyenne, as the truck stops are full and stacked up in the lot and  out into the street and the motels are filling fast. Got stuck just pulling up to the pumps for fuel at the truck stop. We were very lucky to find a room available and they allowed pets too. First time we have been ground-based no wheels under us in eight months. Tell u the truth it feels like kind of weird concept.
The breakfast offered here at the motel are wonderful, the room is clean, the staff is super friendly and Lola took to it with no problem. hehe

May 18, 2017

Outside of the motel this morning. Parking lot is jammed with Semis and cars. Can't see the 5er out front to much snow on the trees. No one moving today sounds like most roads closed west, east, north and south. Freeway is like a morgue. The motel is running out of coffee as fast as they can make it. — at Cheyenne Quality Inn. The total snow fall for the two days was 14.5 inches of snow. 

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