Thursday, May 25, 2017

Mark's thoughts.

You Haven’t Lived Till You Go Rv’in And:
Drive past the “Members Only” sign as you attempt to turn around and maneuver thru, because of a GPS error, a very plush golf course parking lot filled with Beemers, Mercedes, Caddies, Lincoln and someone that is standing by the gate staring at you dressed in a suit that cost more than you rig. Not to mention you can see, while doing all this, where you want to go but you sure can’t get there from here. And the glare the guy looking at you has on his face says volumes about him “Not” finding humor in your using the parking lot as a landing point.
Having the option of driving in a construction zone A: off a 2ft drop to enter a parking lot or option B: drive down the same sidewalk and then make a hard left turn back onto the street while waving at all the new friends you’ve made as traffic passes while blowing their horns and solute you. Good thing you have a MN plate  so they already know you were crazy and hence get out of the way.
Catching cane after for sweeping cookie crumbs off the table back into the the Oreo package after just listening to you wife rant about you not cleaning up the crumbs on the dinette table after eating.
Watch someone with a Beautiful New 45’ Motorhome with all the options, including rear steer, crash it into a tree while attempting to leave their campsite rather than back up.
Have a beer with some of the nicest people you will ever meet as they gladly tell about themselves and all the wonderful things that they have done both before and after going full time RV’in.
Meeting BC’ers. (British Columbian’s) were the view is pretty, the woman beautiful and the guys just a little strange who come down to AZ for the winter.
Chatting with a guy that lives at the tree line in the North West Territories tell of what life is like so high up not even the trees will grow. BTW I was in Vale CO at 11564 ft in altitude and the trees were still flourishing so his are living way up there too.
Driving an over 50 ft 5er thru Gas Stations that have their pumps turned, leaving vehicles pointing directly at the station so you have to maneuver on a dime to get past not only the station but all the vehicles parked at the pumps as well as in front of the station.
The Joy of Eating at some of the Greatest Places on Earth, More Than Once!!!
Camp at a site where you find your pooh hose is too short and someone from across the street comes over and gives you an extra hose.Yes that is right not lends but gives it to you. But now that I think about it who would want a used pooh hose back.
Driving past the tourist sites and taking the back roads to really see, learn about and enjoy the land you are passing thru. Seeing different ways crops are grown and harvested.
Enjoying vegetables so fresh there is still dirt on them. And when you order a burger it always comes with lettuce and tomato.
Going to gun ranges and patrols stop, and seeing your from out of state, ask if you have everything you need? Wow too bad cannabis vote missed by one or we might have been sharing.
Walking out on the dessert and seeing all that is growing in such a harsh environment. Keeping in mind that it will ether stick, stab or cut you if you touch any of it. Lesson Learned the Hard Way!!!
Just some thoughts:
It’s always an Adventure

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