Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mothers Day dream

Happy Mothers Day Honey!
So today was the day I dotted on my bride almost all day. After letting her sleep in till 10:05 then making her breakfast in bed consisting of Poached Eggs with Caviar, Fruit, Warm Rolls and a Fresh pot of Piping Hot Coffee, Black just the way she likes it.
I cleaned the RV from top to bottom even the bathroom and washed all the windows both inside and out. Took out the garbage and even washed out the bin. Took down the chandler and washed each globe to a sparkling shean.

When she got back from the spa I took her out to our favorite place over looking the meandering river and over a bottle of the finest champaign I again pledged my undying love and devotion to her.......

Wow I then woke up and realized it had all been a dream. Good thing to cause I don’t even know what Poached Eggs are?
And because it was her day and not mine I changed my pants even though they were only a day old as a gift to her as she is alway on me for wearing them to long before a washing.
Yea and I set the table for breakfast (which she made). Of course that really only consisted of putting 2 forks spoons and glasses on the table as she had the plates next to the stove to put the omelets she was making. I even told her they looked very good!
Oh yea almost forgot I also buttered my own toast, and started buttering hers but she said something about wanting a little more bread than butter with the toast (Yea I know I didn’t understand her either) so I stopped doing it. Well as you can see she really had a wonderful Mother's Day!

It’s Always an Adventure!


  1. I seriously was almost in tears thinking this is the most wonderful husband ever! Thank you for being real and giving me another smile. I have absolutely lived your adventures. I'm hooked. It's like reading a really good book. (The Hutch walker, soon to be rving retiree)

  2. Glad you are enjoying or blog.
