Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Almost forgot...... A visit to the Temple in Salt Lake City

Before we left Utah for the season, we met up with two special friends that we got to know in Yuma. We gave them a surprise visit one day and it was such a happy welcome. We sat and visited and caught up like we were family that had been gone on vacation. Since we couldn't stay longer, because we needed to get home to Lola, we set up a time a few days later to meet up again.

Arriving for our second visit to their home Betty and James even had things ready for Lola, a bed, treats, food and water. Lola took to their place like a duck to water, she loves them and loved being at their place as well. Mark helped Betty set up her New "Dish" system,  and James showed me around their lovely home. He also shared with me his love of coins and his beautiful collection of guns. WOW, is an understatement.

All the chatting and sharing done they took us to a great cafe for lunch. They had the whole day planned out well. When we finished eating they took us to the mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. What a wonder to behold. Going up a spiral walk with Betty we were surrounded by clouds, planets and stars and at the end was a huge statue of Christ. It literally brought tears to my eyes, very humbling. She took this picture of us.....
Everywhere you turned there were pictures depicting the stories from the bible...
We also went to the building where the Mormon Tabernacle choir performs......
The pipe organ was mind blowing........
What it must be like to hear a choir or sing in here!!!!!!!!!!

A non mormon is not allowed in the church itself but I got this picture from the outside....... it kind of looks like a castle.
After a fun filled day we bid them good bye until we see them again in November. What a great day.

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