Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Made it to Minnesota

The drive to Minnesota on Memorial weekend was smooth sailing. Most traffic was going in the opposite direction. PLT. We stayed at an AmericInn RV park and one Walmart on the way. The WM greeter was very friendly and made us feel like we family coming to visit. hehe The AmericInn was just as friendly. So nice when you are welcomed someplace in such a manner.

I'm not so sure how well our arrival was once we hit Fergus Falls and brought the rain with us. But my brother Mike and his wife Kim made us feel so welcomed and happy to see us. It was great seeing them too. We are staying in a section of their new property that they are building on. Tucked into the whispering pines is so nice.  No neighbors, no noisy traffic, and so far no wild animals. hehehe

we have been running on solar to charge the battery bank for over almost 3 months and it has been working very well.
But now that we are boondocking it is putting the batteries under an extra load as they must pickup all the ac electric requirements as well by running the inverter.
Under perfect working conditions this would have still worked out quite well ......"but"...... as it has been solid overcast and raining for the last three or four days we are working deeper into the battery banks capacity than we have in the past.
We shut down the inverter tonight saying by-by to all ac till this morning.The sun is not out again today so we have tied into the system using the 3000 watt generator and turning on the converter to both supply ac electricity and charge the battery bank. All is working well.  Cindy's brother Mike called a guy for us, to come and pump out our black tank tomorrow morning. Today we need to get some more water into our fresh water tank. That will have to be done, one gallon at a time. But it is doable.  All this means that we can stay a couple days longer in this beautiful spot.

It is Always an Adventure!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Before you go fultime.

 Things to know before going full-time

We've lived and traveled in our RV for almost a year and absolutely wouldn't trade it for the world.  Our lifestyle is incredibly amazing.  We've been told how lucky we are and “I could never do that”.  While we liked our previous sticks and bricks home, we love the tiny-house simplicity, and freedom to go when we want and where.  We are blessed with so many people who come into our lives through our travels and have remained friends.  But that doesn't say there aren't things we miss that we had living in our former home.  We're being honest here.  In this lifestyle, you trade one for another.

This lifestyle brings a whole new set of challenges but it's what makes us stronger to enjoy the reason why we are doing this whole nomadic lifestyle.  We consider ourselves lucky to be doing this but that doesn't erase some disappointments or things we'd wished to keep.  This is a brutally honest, hearts-on-our-sleeves blog piece.  Don't think for a minute that we're complaining but, if you're ever contemplating a nomadic lifestyle like RVing, here are just a few things you may want to think about. 

Long soaks… we miss the long hot showers and soaks in the tub. It used to be a shower or soak every other day. Now it depends on the water or power supply. We got caught in a snow storm in Cheyenne WY and had to stay at a motel. Let me tell you, we both had a long hot shower each day that we were there. 

Endless Hot Water - It goes with the shower soaks.  Admit it, long showers rock...  using the entire water heater tank in our former sticks and bricks, that we could stand in the shower for a good 30 minutes of pulsating hot water.  Now, our showers are limited to about 10 minutes  and do just what needs to get done. 

Down The Drain - Doing dishes back then was so much simpler with one less step.  Now, we scrape our dishes well or wipe them with a napkin before washing them.  We need watch everything we put down our plumbing and tanks.  If not, we're in big trouble...perhaps bigger and more costly than when we had our S&B.  On the same note, if we're not hooked up to sewer, we then are very conscious of how much we put in our gray tanks.  So, even that 10 minute shower gets cut to about two or a sponge bath.

Friends and Family - This is probably the biggest 'low point' but we try not to dwell or think about it.  Our families are in Minnesota and when we go that far north we will visit. Emails and phone calls are an ever present easy source of connection.

Girlfriend Dates - nothing like having a nice lunch or gab session with friends. And I do miss my friends back in MN.  But on a good note, I’ve met some fabulous lady friends whom I've gotten to know to do 'girlfriend things' with on the road.  Some of us have grown quite close because of what we have in common.   Again phone calls, emails and private messages keep me in contact with my treasured Minnesota friends.

Parting with furniture that gives you the security of knowing you still have something to fall back on is a very difficult thing to do. But giving up things that you have treasured for years is even harder. But they are just that, things, and things can not take the place of new experiences and seeing the world that God created. Things can be replaced. And as I am writing this I’m trying to convince myself that after this coming year I to will get rid of my extra stuff too. Many “things” were sold before we started out on this venture and it was very difficult to see some things go. But I have to say I’ve not missed any of them. So I’m hoping that the last of our “things” will not be missed for long. Of course some of our things are with us, but only so much can come along for the ride.

Home for the Holidays - Most look at this as a heartbreaker but we made the most of it. I am still working on getting used to not having my family with us during the holidays. But doing holiday baking and spending time with new friends in the same boat, makes it easier. And with time it will become a norm for us too. 

 As you see even the coolness of our travels has it's challenges, but we have two choices.  We can quit and go backwards or we can stand tall, suck in our guts, however hard that may be, and point our hearts to true north and enjoy the opportunities God has provided us with. So it’s forward on to new adventures.

Mark's thoughts.

You Haven’t Lived Till You Go Rv’in And:
Drive past the “Members Only” sign as you attempt to turn around and maneuver thru, because of a GPS error, a very plush golf course parking lot filled with Beemers, Mercedes, Caddies, Lincoln and someone that is standing by the gate staring at you dressed in a suit that cost more than you rig. Not to mention you can see, while doing all this, where you want to go but you sure can’t get there from here. And the glare the guy looking at you has on his face says volumes about him “Not” finding humor in your using the parking lot as a landing point.
Having the option of driving in a construction zone A: off a 2ft drop to enter a parking lot or option B: drive down the same sidewalk and then make a hard left turn back onto the street while waving at all the new friends you’ve made as traffic passes while blowing their horns and solute you. Good thing you have a MN plate  so they already know you were crazy and hence get out of the way.
Catching cane after for sweeping cookie crumbs off the table back into the the Oreo package after just listening to you wife rant about you not cleaning up the crumbs on the dinette table after eating.
Watch someone with a Beautiful New 45’ Motorhome with all the options, including rear steer, crash it into a tree while attempting to leave their campsite rather than back up.
Have a beer with some of the nicest people you will ever meet as they gladly tell about themselves and all the wonderful things that they have done both before and after going full time RV’in.
Meeting BC’ers. (British Columbian’s) were the view is pretty, the woman beautiful and the guys just a little strange who come down to AZ for the winter.
Chatting with a guy that lives at the tree line in the North West Territories tell of what life is like so high up not even the trees will grow. BTW I was in Vale CO at 11564 ft in altitude and the trees were still flourishing so his are living way up there too.
Driving an over 50 ft 5er thru Gas Stations that have their pumps turned, leaving vehicles pointing directly at the station so you have to maneuver on a dime to get past not only the station but all the vehicles parked at the pumps as well as in front of the station.
The Joy of Eating at some of the Greatest Places on Earth, More Than Once!!!
Camp at a site where you find your pooh hose is too short and someone from across the street comes over and gives you an extra hose.Yes that is right not lends but gives it to you. But now that I think about it who would want a used pooh hose back.
Driving past the tourist sites and taking the back roads to really see, learn about and enjoy the land you are passing thru. Seeing different ways crops are grown and harvested.
Enjoying vegetables so fresh there is still dirt on them. And when you order a burger it always comes with lettuce and tomato.
Going to gun ranges and patrols stop, and seeing your from out of state, ask if you have everything you need? Wow too bad cannabis vote missed by one or we might have been sharing.
Walking out on the dessert and seeing all that is growing in such a harsh environment. Keeping in mind that it will ether stick, stab or cut you if you touch any of it. Lesson Learned the Hard Way!!!
Just some thoughts:
It’s always an Adventure

Challenges of RVing

Have you seen or heard commercials and of how beautiful and peaceful RVing is, with campfires, roasting marshmallows and singing songs while sitting on logs under the stars or trees? Or You've read multiple brochures with beautiful RV's parked in a resort on the immaculate grounds of groomed trees, perfectly manicured lawns, and comforting campfires.

Here we thought, that we were going to be hiking constantly, writing postcards, going out every day sampling local cuisines ( well we did a lot of that), sightseeing, etc. That is what all the other blogs and magazines showed, right?

Before you get to thinking we're going to throw in the towel, let me give you a small idea of what we wished others would have told us.  I know that some things are left to find out yourselves but we're all about helping others get to their own adventure.  We have told you about the exciting and fun things we have done during our RV adventures but we feel should show you a list of 'KNOW BEFORE YOU GO!' challenges.

City Traffic Nightmares

As full-timers, you are always 'new' to an area unless you’ve been there before and even then, it's still unfamiliar.  There is no doubt in our minds that the highway engineers method to designing city highway systems is to throw a string up in the air and wherever it lands, that's the road system.  Between arguing with the GPS, each other, drivers racing by you like angry NASCAR drivers while flipping the bird because you're not going the speed they think you should be driving, you feel like you are in a nightmare.  Or, how about the tailgaters, drivers wanting to take their half of the road out of the middle, racing up the on-ramp while you're pulling your 35 foot fifth wheel and they 'don't see you'?  OH, and add in a little nasty weather, makes you want scream. Trying to even get to our destination can be downright daunting.  In fact, the first thing "I" do the minute I get into the passenger seat is bury my nose in my phone and read.  Just ask Mark how I like busy, winding or steep roads.

Solution is to  pay attention to peak traffic hours and avoid them whether relocating or doing daily errands.  If you have to go into the city or navigate a way around it,  do everything in one day. Then take the other 6 days to regroup or go where there are no people. :)

GPS miscalculations

 Yes they tell you…make a U turn...recalculating...make a U turn...recalculating...take a right turn in 50 yards...only to find you're in the middle of an abandoned construction zone that takes you on one-way streets with dead ends or streets so narrow you could take off any mailbox alongside the road. Or worse yet to a golf course where the people there don’t want you there let alone to have you make a U-turn at the 9th hole pulling a 35 foot 5th wheel. Yikes.

Solution is  sort of prepare by mapping out a route on paper, GPS'ing and verifying it with  a reliable paper map.  It also helps to check the state construction info on the DMV sites.

Campground or RV Park Reviews 
Everyone's standards are different as are their opinions.  We've parked at campgrounds or parks based on reviews only to find they are so opposite that we either suck it up or pull out losing days we paid for in advance. When possible we check out the campgrounds before we even commit to staying there.  Some places have been better than what they say and others are a total disaster. 

Solution is  to stick with people's opinions that are most like yours.  Take stock in others with the  same RV size, same interests, and same standards as yours. 

Missing Family 
It can happen, that when  on the other side of the country, something happens that requires going home.  Now, on top of having to navigate city traffic and finding the airport, you have to park the big dually in a parking spot made for a VW Bug and hope that it is still without damage upon your return or that you can even get back out of the parking spot.

Solution is to get to a destination that's easy to rent a car and drive home.  Or, a major airport and fly home.  Other RVer’s will most likely be happy to help you to and from the airport.  We've learned that the RV family understands and are ready to help because you would do the same if it were them.

Holidays and families go hand in hand, except when you are living on the road and miles apart. But thanks to technology you can still Skype, call or FaceTime. It’s not quite the same as being there but it is nice to see their faces and hear the voices. If your family is supportive of your new alternate lifestyle, as our is, it is a big bonus. You learn new ways to enjoy the holidays with your partner in a new and wonderful way too.

No Separate Home Office or Workshop 

 This may not phase others, it does for us at times. You need separate spaces' where you each can go to get a little alone time without leaving your home.  Now, any bit of crafting is done on the tiny dining table that has to be cleaned off 3 hours later and Mark to sit outside at the picnic table in 30mph wind to do some maintenance and repairs or stand somewhere else to be on his computer. 

If it's nice outside, set up a little crafting, workshop or office table. You get fresh air and really, it's so nice to not work between walls, sometimes.

People assuming you are wealthy

That is SO far off, it's pathetically hilarious.  The looks you sometimes get from truckers as you fill up your truck at truck stops or people who meet you giving you the look of  "it must be nice to be on a permanent vacation".  

Solution is to politely tell them that this is a "lifestyle" and not a "vacation".  Once they hear the story, they may to nod and understand.   We still have chores, we still have to do maintenances, we still pay bills, we still get sick, etc.

Different State Laws 

Seriously, the “United" States is an oxymoron.  Each state has their own laws which leave transients like us confused and often pushing the envelopes of what is legal.  All the way from buying beer on Sundays, firearms laws, tow length restrictions, etc.

The solution is to be prepared.  Before going through or parking in a different state,  look up the laws that apply to your needs.  It will eliminate a big headache or fine.

 Figuring out Roads, Routes and Parking 

 When we sit down to plan our routes and places we want to go, it looks like we're on a quest to take over the world with paper maps, IPad open to Google Earth, the laptop open to Campground Reviews website,  phone open to researching individual campgrounds or parks and our tablets open to campground site maps.  Its hilarious.  We should videotape it sometime.  No...no, not a good idea. hehe

Solution is, know its going to take some time.  Pick a rainy day or designate a day to this together.  Work together, plain and simple.  That way, you both get to be involved in the planning enjoyment. 

It is worth the ride

If you're new to RV'ing or thinking about it, keep these in mind.  We admit completely that full-time RVing isn't all fun and games but it certainly isn't a deal breaker for us either.  While most of the time, it's adventurous and fun, there's still the work-life relationship that we're still working out.  You just have to find what works for you and your partner.  You'll figure it out by trial and error.  After you've been at it for awhile, you'll sit back and say, "now that wasn't so bad”. And then go on and enjoy more of what this wonderful land and life has to offer.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Mount Rushmore

Yesterday, May 23, we headed to Mount Rushmore. It has been well over 20 years since we were there last. Driving there it dawned on me why I don't remember the drive.....the same reason I won't remember much of this drive either, I had my eyes closed most of the time then and now. I do remember holding on to my mom so tightly that she had bruises on her arms. hehehe Well I had nothing to hold on to this time but the armrest in the truck. I did manage to open my eyes now and then to see some of the beauty.

Being older isn't so bad, this is the second time it saved money doing something we wanted to do. We go into the park for half the price. hehe The gentleman at the gate was quite a hoot. He and Mark shared some laughs, especially when we came around to the gate a second time because of a wrong turn. Ok so it was my fault. hehehe

Walking up the million steps brought anticipation of the view.

 As always it is quite a sight, but the first time you see it is when the real wow factor is there. The first time brought tears to our eyes, this time it was wonderment and beauty. We enjoyed going through the building telling how the statue was accomplished, the stories from the workers and seeing the tools that were used. It was way beyond amazing to read it all.
As per tradition of many, we stopped in the little market there and had an ice cream cone. Yes, it was amazingly good and way more to eat than we bargained for. hehe

True to form, what goes up must come down so after leaving the Monuments we started back down the hills. Mark took a road that really twisted and turned around the mountain. A breathtaking drive if you keep your eyes open. There were several tunnels to go through that only one vehicle could go through at a time. There were one or two that had me wondering if we would fit through them with the dually. But yes of course we made it just fine.

Further down the winding road we finally saw some wildlife. First off was a couple wild turkeys. Having lived in Hutchinson they aren't much of a thrill to see anymore. hehe But then we saw some deer that were very difficult to see. They are not the same color as the ones we see in our home town. These are more the color of the tree bark so they blend into their surroundings. I'm used to seeing tan deer, so this was neat to see. Further down the road, just on a curve, or course, we saw three buffalo lumbering right alongside the road eating the grass.
They didn't even seem to notice us as we got closer to them. Mark stopped so close to one that I could actually smell the buffalo..... you can see a little bit of the truck door in the picture, we were that close.....

Having more traffic moving in we headed on down the road. There we were met with more wildlife, antelope, so many too. One even turned and posed for me....
On the road closer to our camp we saw 30 deer along side the road. Luckily not one decided to cross or jump in front of us. Again these deer are very hard to see. Never have we come across so many deer in such a short drive. Wow.

We made it home safely after a great day. And as always,
It was an adventure!

Another fun day in Utah

After seeing Heber Utah with friends we decided to come back and take a ride on the Heber Creeper. It took as along the river at an angle that we can not see from the road.
The ride was for 45 minutes and seemed to last  15. There was a train robbery,
songs and story telling that added to the enjoyment of the ride. This character really had some stories to tell. hehe
After a fun train ride we drove around a bit, ok, we weren't sure where we were going. But those are the best of times too. We came across a covered walking bridge and just had to stop and take a closer look, it was awesome.......

Another day well spent with the love of my life. And as always...
It's an adventure. :)

Almost forgot...... A visit to the Temple in Salt Lake City

Before we left Utah for the season, we met up with two special friends that we got to know in Yuma. We gave them a surprise visit one day and it was such a happy welcome. We sat and visited and caught up like we were family that had been gone on vacation. Since we couldn't stay longer, because we needed to get home to Lola, we set up a time a few days later to meet up again.

Arriving for our second visit to their home Betty and James even had things ready for Lola, a bed, treats, food and water. Lola took to their place like a duck to water, she loves them and loved being at their place as well. Mark helped Betty set up her New "Dish" system,  and James showed me around their lovely home. He also shared with me his love of coins and his beautiful collection of guns. WOW, is an understatement.

All the chatting and sharing done they took us to a great cafe for lunch. They had the whole day planned out well. When we finished eating they took us to the mormon Temple in Salt Lake City. What a wonder to behold. Going up a spiral walk with Betty we were surrounded by clouds, planets and stars and at the end was a huge statue of Christ. It literally brought tears to my eyes, very humbling. She took this picture of us.....
Everywhere you turned there were pictures depicting the stories from the bible...
We also went to the building where the Mormon Tabernacle choir performs......
The pipe organ was mind blowing........
What it must be like to hear a choir or sing in here!!!!!!!!!!

A non mormon is not allowed in the church itself but I got this picture from the outside....... it kind of looks like a castle.
After a fun filled day we bid them good bye until we see them again in November. What a great day.

From Cheyenne to Rapid City

Our trip out of Cheyenne was a beautiful drive through some of WY’s countryside. We have never been to WY so we really didn’t know how pretty it is there. The highway and countryside cleared of the snow and we got to see some very pretty areas. It seemed like everywhere we turned we saw antelope. Some area’s they stood by themselves grazing and other times there was a small herd of them enjoying the day just chewing away at the grassy land without a care in the world.

As we headed towards South Dakota the rolling plains turned into a mountainous climb that didn’t thrill me much to say the least. But we saw a side of South Dakota we had never seen before and it was beautiful. As we drew closer to our designated area the roads got steeper and narrower. I can’t really tell what the view was like because I had my eyes closed most of the way and my hands squeezed tight in prayer. And at one point, Mark asked me to keep my eyes closed until he told me to open them. Talk about scaring me spitless. When he said that I knew it was something where I would have lost it.  Mark is a great driver pulling our rig to safety but that doesn’t mean I liked the roads any better.

The Whispering Pines Campgrounds is a nice place in buried in the black hills pines. You can actually hear the pines whispering their song throughout the camp. There is plenty of room for Lola to enjoy when walking and the sites are nice as well. When we called for a reservation we were told that they weren’t actually open until Memorial day weekend, but they took us in anyway. That being said there are only three other campers here right now, so it is very nice and quiet. We will be checking out on Friday, to who knows where, before they campgrounds fills up.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

From sleet to snowstorm

May 16, 2017

Left Provo behind and headed east to Colorado, Grand Junction to be exact.
Tried to make a tourist stop in Moab but there was a big rally going on so the place reminded me of a bee hive.
Well the 5er really got it's mountain climbing wings today as we crossed over the mountains on hwy 6/191/i70 old school right thru the center of the mountains both up and down and she shined.
Ran into rain that turned to sleet on one HILL that really got my attention as we were coming down a 7deg. grade with unguarded curves. But the towhaul worked like a charm and really saved the day. Awesome!
We are now in a parking lot running on solar and life is Grand. 
Always an Adventure

May 17, 2017

Put in about 7 1/2 hours and roughly 290 miles in the 5er yesterday traveling thru some more of this great country of ours. To say “I have seen things I ain't never seen before” would be an understatement of epic proportion.
I want to say every minute I have spent on this wonderful Adventure has been amazing for myself and I believe my lovely bride as well. And the number of people that are doing the same thing as us has surprised me.
They tell you some of the most friendly people you will meet are in the campsites you stay at and this has been proven true many times over as we have made some great friends along the path of our travels.
As some of you know we have put together a rather modest package to do our exploring in. And so have been parked next to some people that have many times more into there rigs than ours. But that difference is erased the minute we all start talking or even look like we might need some help.
Just yesterday I was setting up the ladder to go onto the roof to sweep off the slide outs and clean off the solar panels before we left. The guy next door who was getting ready to off load this Harley three wheeler from the aluminum bike trailer he pulled behind his Tiffin Motorhome asked if I needed any help. Now this is the same guy that has a Chev Pickup that is so tricked out I didn’t even know what brand it was. And as many of you know I have spent most of my life in the auto industry so to trick something out that much had to have been done by the pro.
So we got to talking and come to find out he guy holding my ladder, driving a $300,000+ dollar Motors Home and who knows how much money into his pickup and bike is from Alaska and is in the Gold Mining Industry. He and his wife are “full time” RV’ers too selling their home and traveling full time but he still flies up to Alaska two weeks out of every four as he still works.
My point being that I am not sure he and I would have met under the same much less any other conditions in life. So as they say we all put on our pants one leg at a time is proven time and time again while Cindy and I travel this great Voyage.
It’s always an Adventure

May 17, 2017
Don't feel too bad about being stuck here in Cheyenne, as the truck stops are full and stacked up in the lot and  out into the street and the motels are filling fast. Got stuck just pulling up to the pumps for fuel at the truck stop. We were very lucky to find a room available and they allowed pets too. First time we have been ground-based no wheels under us in eight months. Tell u the truth it feels like kind of weird concept.
The breakfast offered here at the motel are wonderful, the room is clean, the staff is super friendly and Lola took to it with no problem. hehe

May 18, 2017

Outside of the motel this morning. Parking lot is jammed with Semis and cars. Can't see the 5er out front to much snow on the trees. No one moving today sounds like most roads closed west, east, north and south. Freeway is like a morgue. The motel is running out of coffee as fast as they can make it. — at Cheyenne Quality Inn. The total snow fall for the two days was 14.5 inches of snow. 

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mothers Day dream

Happy Mothers Day Honey!
So today was the day I dotted on my bride almost all day. After letting her sleep in till 10:05 then making her breakfast in bed consisting of Poached Eggs with Caviar, Fruit, Warm Rolls and a Fresh pot of Piping Hot Coffee, Black just the way she likes it.
I cleaned the RV from top to bottom even the bathroom and washed all the windows both inside and out. Took out the garbage and even washed out the bin. Took down the chandler and washed each globe to a sparkling shean.

When she got back from the spa I took her out to our favorite place over looking the meandering river and over a bottle of the finest champaign I again pledged my undying love and devotion to her.......

Wow I then woke up and realized it had all been a dream. Good thing to cause I don’t even know what Poached Eggs are?
And because it was her day and not mine I changed my pants even though they were only a day old as a gift to her as she is alway on me for wearing them to long before a washing.
Yea and I set the table for breakfast (which she made). Of course that really only consisted of putting 2 forks spoons and glasses on the table as she had the plates next to the stove to put the omelets she was making. I even told her they looked very good!
Oh yea almost forgot I also buttered my own toast, and started buttering hers but she said something about wanting a little more bread than butter with the toast (Yea I know I didn’t understand her either) so I stopped doing it. Well as you can see she really had a wonderful Mother's Day!

It’s Always an Adventure!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Time to dry out.

The last week in Provo. Next Tuesday I can say good bye to the lake in front of our steps. Today we have to pick up the RV rug that is in front of the step. There is a nasty smell by our home and I believe it is because of the saturated ground under the rug. We have blocks of wood to step on as well, and they too are soaked and need to be dried in the sun. The neighbor has moved on so we will use the two picnic tables to drape the rug for it to dry. It is a plastic weave rug made for to put the ground without hurting the grass. But as wet as it is here it needs to air out before we can pack it away. I think I’ll gather branches that have fallen from the recent wind and put them in front of the step so we can get inside the camper without sinking in the mud. The campground waters every day and compound that water with the recent rains makes for a very wet area. The lady in the office was no help when I complained last week. I pity the person that gets lot # G-10 next.

The weekend was wet and windy but it was also when we met up with friends we met in Yuma. Craig and Sheralene met us at the Golden Corral for supper Saturday night. After many tight hugs and greetings we went inside to a very very busy buffet. We talked for over two hours non stop and it was so much fun. It took me a long time to settle down for the night to get some sleep. It was so great meeting up with them.  Since we love Utah and they live in Utah, we will see them again. :) We have other friends that live in Utah and we will be seeing them too.

Now it’s back to figuring out our next route to travel. Since the tourists have really taken over some of the big tourist attractions, we will be going a different way north than we had planned. Since Memorial Day is in the mix too we will be doing more dry camping then we have been doing. Which is fine by me, I don’t like being around a lot of people or kids!!  Mark has a great solar system working well so we can dry camp anywhere. We will just need to be more mindful of our water usage, what electrical appliance we use and when, and keep an eye on the black water tank and where we can dump. Not much to think about. LOL Who am I kidding. 

Time to get to some cleaning. Yes, even RV life has cleaning and laundry to do.

Friday, May 5, 2017

From Provo Utah

As they say, better late than never. We have been at the Lakeside RV Campgrounds since May 2nd. Again we pushed the miles to over a 6 hour drive so it took us a couple days to recoup. For some reason we set things up so we have to be in a spot in a short period of time so we have to push ourselves. We do however, stop to let Lola do her thing and us to stretch our legs and do our thing as well. hehe As always we have to stop for gas along the way. Going through the mountainous roads, pulling a loaded 36 foot RV, takes a bit of fuel, to say the least.

We were warmly greeted by the lady who checked us into the campgrounds. But finding our site was a big disappointment. It was mud and ruts with a little grass that had to be shared with the neighboring camper. Thankfully there was no close to the door camper at that time or now.  And I very much hope that it stays that way until we leave here. The site set up is very similar to the KOA buddy camping. And in my opinion is not a fun way to camp. Who wants a neighbors front door not but 15 feet from your front door? Not I. I highly doubt we will stay here again.  It is a very unfriendly camp but the view is amazing and it's quiet.

The campgrounds has nice trails for walking, and a dog run so Lola can be free for a bit. She hasn’t quite figured out that she can actually run and not get scolded for doing so. hehe  There is also a river that runs on the edge of one side with such clear water from the mountains. In the few days that we have been here the level has risen too. Looking out to the southeast  side of the campgrounds, you can see the beautiful snow capped mountains. It is an amazing sight to behold. We are so close they look enormous!!!!!!!! And yet we are still quite far from them. The birds are very busy chirping away in the morning sun looking for their mates. It’s been awhile since we have seen any birds other than crows and mourning doves.

Thursday we went into town to do laundry. The laundry room here is so small that there isn’t room for a folding table or your laundry baskets. The water at the laundromat in town had soft water, much to my delight and it was so very clean too. Just a few yards away was a quaint little coffee shop. We walked down for a treat. Mark had his usual black coffee and I had a caramel, mocha, iced latte, that was every bit as good as the one I would get in Hutch at the Kwik Trip which has been my favorite. I know that before we leave Provo, I will have a couple more of those. MMMMMMmmmm. As with every place in Utah the people were oh so friendly.

After the laundry and a great lunch at the Golden Corral,   we went for a drive around the area. We came across a state campgrounds that looked like a nice place to stay with many spots already reserved. I'm sure it will be packed for the Memorial day weekend. As always Mark enjoys taking the road less traveled and in doing so we came across a mountain fed river/stream. It was so peaceful and breathtaking that our cameras were snapping away. Along the path two walkers came at different times and asked if they could take pictures of us for us. That is Utah nice and friendly. It was so nice to share this beautiful place of God's creation with my one and only true love. 

Saturday we will be meeting up with some friends we met in Yuma this last winter. We are so excited to see them again. They are not full time RVers so connecting with them will be by luck. And we are lucky enough to be only an hour from them. We are also within an hour from another couple we met in Yuma and hope to surprise them with a visit. We have met some really wonderful people on our adventurous travel so far.