Well my trip to the dentist was not good. I knew I was going to need a root canal but what I didn't expect was the outrageous price. It would cost over $3500!!! That is insane. So we will be going to Mexico to have my dental work done, whether I like it or not. Many many people go there and now I can see why. The last root canal I had done was $1500 about 3 years ago. And I thought that was crazy, but more fair then the price I got yesterday. Next week Mark has off more days than usual so we will go in to Mexico one day and make an appointment for my dental work. Maybe I will be able to afford an implant where I have a missing tooth. In the US, it would cost anywhere from $2000 to $6000 a tooth
God must have decided that Marks hours were not to be cut just yet. Because after next week we will be back on his 3 and 4 day week. Plus last night he was called into the office and was given a 25¢ raise. God is so good to us. Mark was kind of looking forward to less hours but I guess the timing was not right. God knows best.
It's the time of year for eagles nesting. I've been watching a nest in Decorah Iowa for years now and am enjoying them this year too. It's just amazing how the parents work as a great team. I've recently found a second nest in Decorah as well.
This BLOG was started to keep family and friends updated as to where we were as we traveled. And also for us to relive our travels. Now we have settled in Yuma, AZ it is more or less a diary.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Sunday, February 24, 2019
On the rise
We are finally on a warming trend. The temps this week will be on a gradual rise with the mid 80's but the beginning of next week. The warmer temps will be so welcome after a colder than normal winter in Yuma. Actually colder in all of AZ. Next month some of the snowbirds will be leaving which is another nice thing about spring. :)
Marks hours got cut at WM. This week he only works 3 days and then just two days a week. This happens every year at WM's no matter if it's a busy season at one or not. Mark is looking forward to less working time at WM. I hope it gives him time to go some things around here that he enjoys, besides the computer that is. hehehe Like maybe start on our extra room. That can be done little by little so it's more fun than work. He did a great job on our basement at the house but we are older now so it will take a little longer. It's a smaller project so it should be less stressful too. Whatever, he is due for some days of less work. Maybe go and do some sightseeing in the area that we live in now. We haven't done that in a long time and haven't covered much of an area yet either. It seems he is either working or I have laundry to do. With all the people in the park laundry day is a challenge and not always fitting into a time slot we would like.
For the most part the crud has been lifted from me. Just a little cough which is normal living where it's so dry. I doubt Marks cough will ever go away. I'm sure the warmer weather will help us both to some degree.
Last week I started writing mom letters since we can't email or talk on the phone anymore. I kind of forgot about snail mail for communication. Duh. I won't know how she feels or anything but at least she can hear from me. I have to type the letters out on the computer because my penmanship has gotten really bad and my hand tires easily now. I hope that she is getting my letters. No way of knowing that either. But I'll keep sending them. I know she will like hearing from me. I am having a hard time not sending and receiving emails. We have done that for so long that it's just been part of my life. Now that's gone too. Times change and I'm not liking this change one little bit. 😢
This coming week I have to bite the bullet and make a much needed dentist appointment. It's so hard going to a new doctor or dentist when you have had such wonderful ones in the past. The uncertainty is very uncomfortable. The medical profession here stinks, I hope that the dentistry is better. I hope it's cheaper than MN too. Mexico is cheaper but I'm not comfortable with dentistry there yet. I know a lot of people go there, but the area just seems too dirty to me. I won't even eat anything there.
It's about time that I get dressed and get Miss Lola out for her morning duties. Soon it will be a nice warm morning walk. But for now it's still jacket weather and sometimes even a heavy coat and earmuffs. 😮
Marks hours got cut at WM. This week he only works 3 days and then just two days a week. This happens every year at WM's no matter if it's a busy season at one or not. Mark is looking forward to less working time at WM. I hope it gives him time to go some things around here that he enjoys, besides the computer that is. hehehe Like maybe start on our extra room. That can be done little by little so it's more fun than work. He did a great job on our basement at the house but we are older now so it will take a little longer. It's a smaller project so it should be less stressful too. Whatever, he is due for some days of less work. Maybe go and do some sightseeing in the area that we live in now. We haven't done that in a long time and haven't covered much of an area yet either. It seems he is either working or I have laundry to do. With all the people in the park laundry day is a challenge and not always fitting into a time slot we would like.
For the most part the crud has been lifted from me. Just a little cough which is normal living where it's so dry. I doubt Marks cough will ever go away. I'm sure the warmer weather will help us both to some degree.
Last week I started writing mom letters since we can't email or talk on the phone anymore. I kind of forgot about snail mail for communication. Duh. I won't know how she feels or anything but at least she can hear from me. I have to type the letters out on the computer because my penmanship has gotten really bad and my hand tires easily now. I hope that she is getting my letters. No way of knowing that either. But I'll keep sending them. I know she will like hearing from me. I am having a hard time not sending and receiving emails. We have done that for so long that it's just been part of my life. Now that's gone too. Times change and I'm not liking this change one little bit. 😢
This coming week I have to bite the bullet and make a much needed dentist appointment. It's so hard going to a new doctor or dentist when you have had such wonderful ones in the past. The uncertainty is very uncomfortable. The medical profession here stinks, I hope that the dentistry is better. I hope it's cheaper than MN too. Mexico is cheaper but I'm not comfortable with dentistry there yet. I know a lot of people go there, but the area just seems too dirty to me. I won't even eat anything there.
It's about time that I get dressed and get Miss Lola out for her morning duties. Soon it will be a nice warm morning walk. But for now it's still jacket weather and sometimes even a heavy coat and earmuffs. 😮
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
When will it stop?
Just when I think I'm on the mend, not but 8 hours later the crud/cough is back in full force and sleep is a thing of the past. There is only so much cough medicine that you can take in a day. But night always seems to be the worst. I'm glad I quit smoking 8.5 years ago or it would be a lot worse. So I am thankful I quit smoking for that reason too. Oh heck, what's one more gripe? My left gland is so swollen again and hurts like a bugger. The swelling isn't going down this time which is why it is painful. Maybe once the coughing subsides and I get some much needed rest, that will get better too.
On a happier note, well the end part is. hehe Mark lost his phone the other day. We looked all over, I even looked in the fridge,freeze, garbage, and the cupboards. If you know Mark, you can understand why I looked in the most odd places. Luckily we still had my old Motorola phone for him to use. So yesterday we headed to AT&T to have them set up this phone to our account. Just after lunch we got to talking about if the phones were waterproof, when Mark remembered that he took the phone out of his pocket when he went to the bathroom at work so it wouldn't fall into the toilet. Well, after he got to work yesterday he checked at the service counter to see if by some chance someone found it and turned it in there. Low and behold some honest person did just that. Mark had to describe his phone and then it was returned to him. That being said, my faith in people was somewhat restored. He is going to continue using the Motorola and see if he likes it better than his Samsung. He is not real fond of the purple case it's in though. 😅 I do not like the Samsung phone and wish we had changed providers rather than phones. Now we have a more reliable provider so the Motorola should work much better. T-Mobile does not work here in the foothills and Verizon is horribly overpriced. IF he goes back to his Samsung I may use my Motorola again.
This morning it was a cold 36º when I got up at 8. Just a few more days of this 60º stuff and we will be in more pleasant 70º weather. Then I can open the doors and windows to air out all the germs and enjoy some outside time. We all need a good blast of some warmth and sunshine. 😎 Our northern family and friends will agree with that I'm sure. 😊
On a happier note, well the end part is. hehe Mark lost his phone the other day. We looked all over, I even looked in the fridge,freeze, garbage, and the cupboards. If you know Mark, you can understand why I looked in the most odd places. Luckily we still had my old Motorola phone for him to use. So yesterday we headed to AT&T to have them set up this phone to our account. Just after lunch we got to talking about if the phones were waterproof, when Mark remembered that he took the phone out of his pocket when he went to the bathroom at work so it wouldn't fall into the toilet. Well, after he got to work yesterday he checked at the service counter to see if by some chance someone found it and turned it in there. Low and behold some honest person did just that. Mark had to describe his phone and then it was returned to him. That being said, my faith in people was somewhat restored. He is going to continue using the Motorola and see if he likes it better than his Samsung. He is not real fond of the purple case it's in though. 😅 I do not like the Samsung phone and wish we had changed providers rather than phones. Now we have a more reliable provider so the Motorola should work much better. T-Mobile does not work here in the foothills and Verizon is horribly overpriced. IF he goes back to his Samsung I may use my Motorola again.
This morning it was a cold 36º when I got up at 8. Just a few more days of this 60º stuff and we will be in more pleasant 70º weather. Then I can open the doors and windows to air out all the germs and enjoy some outside time. We all need a good blast of some warmth and sunshine. 😎 Our northern family and friends will agree with that I'm sure. 😊
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Wind and Rain
Sometime during the night it rained and has been raining most of the day. The wind has gotten absolutely wild so no walking outside today. Well, the only walks will be to take Lola our for her duties. With both Mark and I coping with sore throats and a cough, we don't need to spend much time out in the elements. Sorry Lola, I'll make it up to you later.
This afternoon I really heated up the place by making a pumpkin pie for Mark. It got so warm in here that Mark has been in the shed most all day. Mid week he worked on making his shed a "mancave". Nice new workbench and put a tv in there as well. He even cleared out some of the shelves from a cabinet on the porch for me to add some of my larger kitchen tools. It sure makes it easier for me to get at them now. No more bending and lifting to get them off of a lower shelf.
Our Valentine dinner will be here at home where it's a whole lot less crowded, better price and still good eats. I'm making Mark his favorite parmesan garlic shrimp scampi.
Not sure what I'll be eating, I'm not a fan of shrimp and too wet and windy to make a steak on the grill. My throat hurts too much for much of anything really. I'll just enjoy watching Mark enjoy his meal while I have some soup.
This afternoon I really heated up the place by making a pumpkin pie for Mark. It got so warm in here that Mark has been in the shed most all day. Mid week he worked on making his shed a "mancave". Nice new workbench and put a tv in there as well. He even cleared out some of the shelves from a cabinet on the porch for me to add some of my larger kitchen tools. It sure makes it easier for me to get at them now. No more bending and lifting to get them off of a lower shelf.
Our Valentine dinner will be here at home where it's a whole lot less crowded, better price and still good eats. I'm making Mark his favorite parmesan garlic shrimp scampi.
Not sure what I'll be eating, I'm not a fan of shrimp and too wet and windy to make a steak on the grill. My throat hurts too much for much of anything really. I'll just enjoy watching Mark enjoy his meal while I have some soup.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Thank you Mexico and Canada
Thanks to these two countries my heart will keep me alive until God is ready for me. These two countries are where I can afford to buy my heart pills. Medicare will not help pay for the pills which cost $400 for 30 days. Where as in Mexico I can buy said pill at $8 for 100 pills. Canada can provide me with my other heart pills at a very similar price. Screw the US pharmaceutical companies. I need to take these pills for the rest of my life and have no other option on what I can take. We live close enough to Mexico now so I don't have to worry about running out. That is unless the stupid, jackass US president screws everyone over some more. But I still have Canada as my other option.
We went to Mexico today with our dear friends Uncle James and Auntie Bettie. And as always we had a lot of fun. Mark and James sat and had coffee while Bettie and I shopped. Well, Bettie shopped and I followed very close behind. She has the most amazing sense of direction, I on the other hand have none and would have been lost in Los Algodones without her. She really scored on some good deals, she can really talk them down in price. Amazing.
It was and still is cold. By the time we got home I was froze to my toes. 😬Turning on the little propane heater when we got home, warmed me up nicely. The heavy sweatshirt helped too. 😀 The rest of this week into next will be unusually cold so I won't be doing much on the porch or craft area. I'll just stay inside and bake or bask in the heat of the heater. 😃
We went to Mexico today with our dear friends Uncle James and Auntie Bettie. And as always we had a lot of fun. Mark and James sat and had coffee while Bettie and I shopped. Well, Bettie shopped and I followed very close behind. She has the most amazing sense of direction, I on the other hand have none and would have been lost in Los Algodones without her. She really scored on some good deals, she can really talk them down in price. Amazing.
It was and still is cold. By the time we got home I was froze to my toes. 😬Turning on the little propane heater when we got home, warmed me up nicely. The heavy sweatshirt helped too. 😀 The rest of this week into next will be unusually cold so I won't be doing much on the porch or craft area. I'll just stay inside and bake or bask in the heat of the heater. 😃
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