Saturday, December 9, 2017

Wow, almost Christmas already

My goodness where has the time gone. Here it is just a couple weeks until Christmas.  We have been enjoying the warm weather of Yuma. A week or two was too warm for us to enjoy too much. But the evenings got cooler so we could open the windows and sleep relatively comfortable at night. The upper 80’s is NOT our cup of tea. 

We  frequent the Arizona Market Place quite a bit. There is always something to see. They have great country music, if you are into that. I’m not. But still fun to snoop around. We have purchased a couple side pieces of sun shade and what a difference it makes in the wind flow and the heat of the Arizona sun on the west side of the 5er. It really feels like a screened in porch out there now too. Mark loves to sit outside and now he really enjoys the time outside.

Our friends Bettie and James got here on the 27th of November and we were very happy to see them. We have sat outside and chatted many times, and were invited to have Navajo taco’s with them one night as well. They were quite delicious. :) As always, we have a fun time with them.

I’m happy to say I have found a nice orthopedic doctor in Yuma. He gave me a shot in my left elbow and checked other aspects before doing so.  Nice to see that he was thorough and I know I’ll have to see him again in the next couple months. The shot did help my elbow and shoulder but I do have to be more aware of repetitive  actions with the arm. Guess I won’t be going full bore on my projects anymore. But I’ll need to take more breaks. Such is life. Next is to find a primary doctor. I’m not real anxious to go to the primary care here in the foothills. I just didn’t get a good feel there.

Today I made my Christmas roll out cookies. Most of them I just sugared with colored sugar since it’s our favorite way.  Which means I need to get more colored sugar to proceed to the frosted ones. I’ve made the spritz, teacakes, and pecan roll ups. Tomorrow morning I plan on making two batches of peanut brittle. I do plan on sharing some of my Christmas goodies with our friends here in Yuma. I know that they will appreciate the gift. The little gas oven made the job quite time consuming. I can only use a small cookie sheet which only holds about one dozen cookies and the oven can only hold one cookie sheet at at time. Plus they have to be watched carefully so I don’t have burnt offerings. The challenge was met with success and the cookie  baking is completed. Because of a stand mixer that Mark got me, the cookies were much easier to make this year too.

Mark put up ice cycle Christmas lights in the front of the 5er and there are two revolving lights on the side of the 5er as well. It really looks Christmasy out there.

 We have a small fiber optic tree and some garland strung around on the inside. Nothing like we have had in the years past. But it is still nice. We just don’t have the room to store all the decorations we used to put up.

Until next time…

as always, it’s an adventure

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