Monday, November 20, 2017

First week back in Yuma. 2017-2018

It wouldn’t be us if we didn’t hit our favorite eating places upon returning to Yuma. Which means I’ve had to do little cooking the first week back. Nothing had changed except the  frozen yogurt place had very few choices. We were informed that things are just now opening up for all of us snowbirds and those that leave the area in the summer.

Saturday we went back to the Market Place to pick up our wooden plaque. Mark hung it on the inbox on the front of the Montana. It sure turned out nice. We didn’t add Lola’s name to the main plaque incase something would happen to her. It would be too hard to see her name each time. So we are having smaller plaque made which will connect to the bottom of the main plaque.

Yesterday we took a trip to Algodones Mexico. We went with our friend Norm who we met last year in Yuma and fast became a dear friend. After just walking around we did find an optical place that was open so I got a much needed new pair of glasses at a price that was affordable. We also stopped at one of the many liquor stores and we got two bottles of Kahlua for the third of the price of   one in the US. I love a Smith and Kearns after supper, which fast became my favorite dessert.  :)

The trip to Mexico was short so when we got home Mark took me to the laundry room to tackle three loads of laundry. I was not too happy to find that the wash is only 20 minutes and that includes the fill time, and there are no laundry carts to move the wet clothes to the dryer or dry clothes to the folding table. Needless to say I will not use the laundry room in the park again unless I have to. They have a ludicrous rule that you can not hang anything out to dry. That also angered me, to say the least. But I still hung my few items on the awning braces, since they won’t allow a drying rack. They only take about 20 minutes to dry in the Yuma sun.  I take them down as soon as they are dry. They can kiss my butt if they think I’m hanging wet clothes inside to dry. Nope not staying in this park next year. Too many negatives. 

While I was doing the laundry Mark hung the sun shade from the awning. It will save us from the heat of the west sun. Even in the sun, with sun isn’t hot through the sun shade. Very nice investment that will be used time and time again in other parks.

Today I am heading to Primary Care to see if they can give me information on how to and where to set up for a primary care, cardiologist, and orthopedic doctors. Since we are here more than anywhere else we need a main doctor, and not solely rely on Dr Smith in Hutch, has been a great doctor for us in MN and on the road. God Bless Dr Jalayna Smith.

Well tata for now.
As always, it’s an adventure.

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