Friday, November 10, 2017


The other day I was bored, which happens a lot, so I took off in the truck to one of the few stores that are in Pahrump, the Dollar General. I took my time and browsed around and of course found some goodies that we just had to have. hehe

When I returned to the park and saw our patio, I freaked. Our furniture was outside on the patio. Either we were being robbed or Mark was having a garage sale without a garage. I placed my bags full of goodies on the table outside and was met at our door by Mark with a carpet shampooer by his side. What in the world and where in the world?

It seems that a neighbor across the street had shampooed his carpet and Mark asked to borrow it from him. It was a professional shampooer and he even gave Mark the soap to use. Our carpets had been in dire need of cleaning but I am unable to pull those units to get the job done. I was going to hire someone. Mark bless his heart got all the carpet in the RV done.

What a nice difference the clean carpet has made in our home. Me being in bare feet often, noticed the feel of it right away. Our home smells and looks so much nicer because of the kindness of a neighbor and all Marks hard work. I am blessed.

The next day Mark finished the job by cleaning the edges while Lola and I supervised. :)

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