Monday, December 25, 2017

Christmas Day

This year I decided I was going to have MY turkey gravy and MY stuffing so that is what I did. The turkey breast and stuffing are in the oven and smelling good. My stomach is growling already and it is still a long wait.

This is the first time I'll have made anything like this in our small RV oven.  I had to order a larger roaster than the one I had. It doesn't work so well when the roaster leaks. Good ole came through for me once again.  The new roaster just fit with minor clearance at the top and bottom of the oven.

Christmas day is looking to be a nice warm day too. Sunny and 45 this morning heading for 74 by afternoon. Back home our families and friends are suffering with -20 some degree weather. Sure am glad we don't have that. We will have windows open and shorts on sometime today.

Our Christmas cookies will be all gone today. That means I'll be baking sometime this coming week. Now that I have a stand mixer here, the job is much easier. If you can use the term easy when trying to do that kind of thing a small limited area. hehehe Sure tastes better than all the store bought cookies we had to endure.

Usually we keep our holiday decorations up until New Years Day, but this year it will all come down tomorrow. There isn't much up to begin so it won't take long to take down and put away. We do have outside lights on the RV that will stay up and lit until New Years Day. Such a difference from previous years where it would take me hours to decorate and hours to take down and put away. Yes, I do miss that, but now it's a lot easier. :)

Dinner turned out very good. A 5 course meal in my little tiny kitchen.

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