Monday, December 18, 2017

Merry Christmas

Here it is Christmas week. The birthday of our King. Everyone celebrates the the birth of Christ in their own way. Some do lots of baking, cleaning and decorating in preparation of numerous family and friends that will come to celebrate with them. That is what I did for years. It’s a lot quieter now, not as much fun and less work. I’m not complaining about the work, I loved every minute of it and I have to admit I miss all of the hustle and bustle. Times change, families grow and move to other areas as their families grow move.  But the real reason for the holiday is inside our hearts, or at least it should be. Jesus should be the reason for the celebration. He is, always was and always will be our greatest gift. So as we ready our homes, remember to ready our hearts.

Whether you are spending Christmas with many friends and family or spending it with a small number, remember that Christ is with you and that is all that you need. The glitter and fuss only lasts for so long but the love of Christ is with you always. 

Merry Christmas, God bless and keep you all safe this holiday season and throughout the new year.

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