Saturday, December 30, 2017

I don't mean to rub it in but.....

And the rush is on, 4 days after Christmas and it has turned into full court press as the Campers and Motorhomes take over the all roads headed south. Yuma I am told goes from a population of 100,000 to somewhere between 200,000  and 250,000 after the first of the year because of the influx of Snowbirds from Canada and the US.
And again, today taught me why I have chosen to follow a dream. I got up this morning to a temp in the 50s which by afternoon was well into the 70s.
The reason I bring this up is not to rub it in. Where I come from it was well below 0 most of the day with a high of 3 deg.. And they're predicting wind chills in the -30 to -40 for the weekend.
Now I don't mind missing that, nope not at all!
It's Always an Adventure!

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