Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Movin' on out!!

Bright sunshine and a brisk 45º this morning. We won't be sweltering in the heat, tearing down, this time. What a relief.

Due to the fires and smoke we won't be going west as once planned. Not exactly sure where we are heading, but God willing we will get there safely. Between here and Facebook our family and friends will know where we are when I can get on here and post. Adding to this blog isn't possible when on the road, facebook is much easier.

Yesterday we spent the day putting the bikes away and other tear down tasks. We made room in the storage unit for Marks bike and my Helix is at my cousin Sharon's. There were small things as well that we did to make todays tear down less time consuming.  But actually the majority of it does have to wait until the day we leave. Like empty the tanks, fill the fresh water tank with softened water, take stabilizers down, put way hoses and tie up the ladders, to name a few of the things that Mark does outside for tear down. I take care of the inside, some things have to come off of the walls, chairs moved back, table take down, tear computer down, tvs safely nestled , clear and secure counter items. All has to be clear of the slides as they move in place. Drinking water jugs are full, lunches were packed and our meds easily accessible. When all of this is done, it's hook up the camper to the truck, secure all, double and triple check everything, load Lola into the truck, and head out of Hutch. Of course I didn't list everything, or this would be too long. hehe

 Yesterday when getting fuel stabilizer for the bikes at the auto parts store, I was given a big of tiny tomatoes and some large tomatoes and onions. I canned the big tomatoes because I could never eat that many before they spoiled. When I was done I had 2 quarts of tomatoes. That made me quite happy. Add the tiny tomatoes to the ones that my friend Dawn gave me, means I have enough to nibble on no matter where we go. :)

Well I've written enough of a boring post so I'll go and get ready to start my part of the tear down.

On to another adventure. :)

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