Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sorry I have not posted for a while. We landed back in Mn in early June and had a great time catching up with all our friends. If we didn’t get a chance to see you we hope to next year when we get back. 

Since being back several times friends have asked were we are headed next and it seems hard for some to understand our lack of direction in our travels. From my point of view I am living a dream. For my whole life I have had some place I had to be or had something to do. Now I get up when I want and I go where the day takes me. I plan to enjoying this life style for as long as I can. Why not, for me it’s like living a dream. Oh yeah sooner or later I will have to wake up but for now I am going to enjoy the dream!

P/S although it drives my wife a little nuts she really seems to enjoy it too. But does look forward to our longer stays (Yuma, Pahrump, etc) which work for me as well. The too many times in a row of one night stays on parking lots are what really bothers. The mess from not setting up or having a table to sit at is tough to take.

Now that being said lets talk about Full Time RVing. We now have almost a year of living in our 5er and the learning curve has been and Adventure.

For starters the longest we have Boondocked (dry camped) in a row has been 9 days (we are currently on a 3 dayer) and let me tell you that puts a real strain on your life and your wife. Everything you take for granted becomes an “option”, not a standard way of life. From water, electricity both 12v and 120v, to heat, AC and yes Poo Removal. All life’s little simplicities have to be conserved and reevaluated on a daily basis. 

I had to install a new water pump that is still a work in progress. (A quick note: stick with standard. replacement components to keep it simple. Unfortunately I did not and hence the pump is still a work in progress.) 

I am starting a winter project list to be done while we winter back in Yuma. I will add to this list as things come to me.
Install 2nd Power Vent.
Repair Furnace Blower (noisy)
Finish Water Pump Install
Look into Stabilizer Jacks (for extended stay)
Electrical Equalization
Replace Kitchen Table
Install Drawer and Cabinet locks
Permanently Install Cell Booster
Look into Options from Cell Carriers
New Mount for Satellite System
Replace Vinyl Trim
Replace Power Cord End

I  picked up a new hydraulic jack and  jacked up the 5er and repacked the wheel bearings before we left. From the looks of it I will be replacing the brake assemblies on the 5er next summer. Also had the front and rear brakes replaced in the Dually as well as front bearings packed. It runs great and has now just rolled over 100,000 miles. We bought it with 82000 on it. 

One of the things I had not realized was how much of a beating the 5er has to endure going down the road. It’s as if the unit is going thru an earth quake as it rolls. And I have installed an air ride w/shock ping box and air suspension on the truck. I can't imagine what it would be like without these aids. 

You may wonder why I mention this. Well as you know I built and installed a solar system so we could be have 120v elect. when we boondock and have had mixed results with it. Well my number one problem with the system had been connections. I have made many revisions to the systems connections and seem to have finally gotten past this issue. Wow when I say you need to bullet proof it I mean you need to bring bullet proof to a whole new level. 

As long as we are talking electrical I have finally organized all the shore power 120v electric components into a tote. Not a big deal until you start looking for a $35.00 adapter and cannot find it without pulling everything out of the basement of the 5er.
(over and hour and a half job) Well now it is all in one place 30’x50amp cable, 30’x 30amp cable, adaptor 30amp to 50 amp, adaptor 50amp to 30amp, adaptor 15amp to 30amp, 50amp surge protector. All in one tote.

We now have all the water hoses in one tote as well. Ok almost the piece of $#!& Blue Potable water hose is so darn stiff (third hose) it will not roll up into the tote without cutting it to fit. But other wise 2 30’ and 1 50’ are all in the same place when I need them. As well as all the adaptors, tees and y’s. We also purchased 2 tie downs for the awning which really make it much more useful as it can stay up now in higher winds.

We have about 2500 miles on since we left this fall (2017) and have traveled thru 8 states on our way to winter in Yuma. To see old and making new friends.

Take Care

It’s Always an Adventure.

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