Sunday, September 10, 2017

Great First week of our second year

Wednesday September 6th we started out on our second year of full timing. As usual for us we got a later start than we had planned. Some mornings we just move faster than others and some mornings   we tend to linger over our coffee long enough to want a second cup. Well this was one of those mornings. We didn’t hit the road until around 1:30 pm and had no idea what our destination was. We couldn’t go west, as planned, because of all the fires and smoke so we headed south and east.

After some discussion we decided to go to Harmony, MN for an Amish tour. I am an avid reader of the Amish and was very excited to see first hand how they lived.  We got to Harmony an hour before the tour so decided a cup of coffee was in order. And the little cafe where we stopped had the best coffee.

The tour started at 1:30 with three couples aboard the small tour bus. Our tour guide, Mary, was well informed of the Amish that lived in the area. We stopped at 5 Amish homesteads and were greeted with smiles. Each farm had a little store that sold things that they made, such as woven baskets, canned goods, leather goods, quilts that were beyond beautiful, and many other hand made items. We stopped at one place that had a bakery set up with the most delicious treats. All of us enjoyed some very tasty goods from there. We brought home a pan of pecan caramel rolls that was out of this world and some pizza bread that we will try before we hit the road again.

Along the roads we saw many horse and buggy’s and everyone waved at the tour bus. We saw the one room schools and were greeted by all the students with big smiles and waves. And all of the children that we saw were always barefoot, on grass and rocks. My feet ached just looking at them. The tour guide also stopped at a very old and still used Methodist church in Lansboro. Wow, it was a real step back in time and so nice for it’s age. You could tell it was still very much loved.

The tour was 3 hours so we hit the road again, hoping to land somewhere before it got dark. A Walmart parking lot in Austin, MN, was our camping choice. We like free whenever we can get it. We were tired after a long and fun filled day.  Of course when we stay at a WM we buy something in the store, to show our thanks.

After a  leisurely coffee in the morning we tore down and headed down the road once more. We headed for Prairie du Sheen in hopes of finding a buddy that Mark had not seen in years and had been to his home only one other time.  The drive was long and we saw much pretty country side. 

Like I said Mark had only been to Ricks place once so it took two times past it when we saw someone outside a home that we thought looked like Rick. After me asking if this  man was him, I was met with some hesitation but a yes, that is me was answered. Mark reintroduced himself and the chatter began. What a coincidence that the meeting happened the way it did. A lot of catching up and a meal at the neighborhood English pub made for a very enjoyable day. It was great to meet again. Pictured with Mark and Rick is one of the many beautiful clocks that Rick made. He is quite the woodworker.

There weren’t any places to camp but we managed to find a spot at a Carriage Day celebration. I asked if anyone could camp there for the festivities and was told sure, park anywhere. So we parked  and set up camp for the night. We pointed the truck in the direction we wanted to head out in the morning. Later we learned that not just anyone could park there but we were leaving that morning anyway. The morning was met with issues with the inverter not wanting to allow us to use our Keurig in the morning. What? No coffee? Yikes, we better hit the road and find some. So we left earlier than we ever have. We were on the road by 9 am. Which for us is a huge surprise.

We continued our drive in Wisconsin and found that there are very very few campgrounds there. So we kept driving and driving on the most awful roads. Wisconsin needs to work on all of their roads as well as interstates. By the grace of God our home was not torn apart. But we were mighty tired of all the jostling. 

After a long drive we finally found a campgrounds at Lake Geneva. It is one of the most unkept places we have stayed and the most expensive place too. But with it being the only place around to camp, they get buy with stealing you blind and not maintaining their campgrounds. They do have internet but it doesn't work at all.  We were tired and needed a shower, empty the tanks and fill with fresh water again so it was worth at least half of the price to us. hehehe The lady at the desk was very nice at least. But I don’t recommend staying at the Coachman’s Terrace in Lake Geneva. That is unless you have no other choice. I would suggest staying at a WM parking lot before staying here unless you need water and to dump.

Today is Sunday and we have no idea where anything is in this area, and we are in need of a day of rest. So today we will do as little as possible and just enjoy the quiet. Ha ha, there is little quiet here, people don't know how to control their dogs to stop barking. Grrrrrr. Tomorrow we will hit the road with intentions of going to see Lake Michigan. I think that is as far east as we dare go, Time to head away from any travelers escaping all the hurricanes. And we are finding that many places, campgrounds and hotels are filling with travelers escaping the hurricanes and fires as far north  or south as Wisconsin. Some have been here for vacation and can not go back home.

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