Wednesday, August 30, 2017


One week from today we will be hitting the road once again. We stayed in Hutch two months too long and I can hardly wait to get out of here. It was nice seeing friends and family and riding motorcycle with Mark but that is about all for me.  Time now to move on and see what God has for us on the road ahead.

This last week Mark did some final checking of the water pump and needed to make some minor adjustments or repairs if you will. It’s plumbing so nothing goes as easy as Mark would like. New and factory are never alike so adjustments sometimes have to be made to make things work the way they should and this was NO exception. There were some patience trying times.

Like millions of people across the nation, I have started to paint rocks and set them out and about. I’ll continue that as we travel as well. Spreading some cheer and bringing some smiles in these troubling times is something we all can do. Do a google search to see what I’m talking about. It not only brings a smile to whomever finds the painted rock but can be a fun family project as well. There are a few things that we would like to do yet before hit the road. Not sure when we will be in one place long enough to do anything but enjoy where we are. :)

To say where we are going and will end up would be premature. We are not really sure where we will land for any length of time but plan on traveling the boarder of Canada towards Idaho, Oregon and perhaps Washington then heading south.  Mark wants to go to Yellowstone and Glacial National park. I just go along for the ride. hehehe I’m sure most of this excursion I will have my eyes closed, again. I like the mountains only to look at, NOT to be in or driving through. But it’s impossible to get around them or so I’m told. hehe

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