Wednesday, January 4, 2017

New Years in Yuma

Usually we go out for supper with close friends on New Year's Eve, but for some reason they decided not to go out with us this year. LOL Well, I guess Yuma, AZ is a bit far to go just for supper. So we had a quiet night, just the two of us, or should I say 3 or us; Lola was here too.

Mark enjoyed his meal of lobster tails. I enjoyed crab legs. Just to let you know how sweet my hubby can be.... my hands don't work the way they used to due to arthritis setting in, so Mark helped open the last few clusters of crab legs for me. How sweet is that? Of course for all his efforts I shared some of the crab meat with him.

One of the neighbors here is an avid shooter and told of us a free shooting range. So on Tuesday, Jan. 3 we headed out to send some lead flying.  The range was really out in the boonies, but was set up quite nice for being free to use. There were concrete tables and seats  and multiple areas to shoot depending on what firearm you were using. We thought we had packed more ammo than we did so our shooting time wasn't as long as it normally would've been.  What we didn't bring with us would've added too much weight to the 5er. The air started to get quite cool so I was happy to call it quits when we did anyway.

The targets were my friend at first and Marks enemy. But after a few rounds thing evened out. hehe As you can see by the picture we didn't do too badly. It was fun none the less.

In the afternoon Mark took me to Urgent care to seek treatment for severely swollen glands. After 4 hours of sitting in the waiting room I finally I got into the doctor's little room. But there I still had to wait another hour. He told me I had what I already knew and how to treat it, which I also knew how to do. The one thing I needed was an antibiotic. So off to Walgreens for the medication. And there I had to wait an hour and half. Well me, not being a patient person to begin with, had used up all the patience I had and we headed home for something to eat. By that time we both were starving.

When we were told that everyone in the south has one speed, slow, I didn't think it was really that bad. Boy did we learn how true that statement was today.

What a way to start the new year. It could have been worse though. Hopefully the rest of the year goes more smoothly.

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