Thursday, January 12, 2017

Just me this time.

It's been awhile since either of us has posted, and it looks as though you are stuck with me for now. My days are quite mundane, shopping, laundry and cleaning. Mark is always with me so the chores are a lot more fun than mundane. Oh and not to mention eating. We do love to eat out and my waisteline is showing just that. :( But we are enjoying our new way of life.

After much deliberation we decided that the first water softener we got in September was not going to work for us. The water here in Yuma is so hard it's like taking a shower in a rock storm. So we ordered the larger unit. As is true with many things the smaller unit started working better for us by the time the new  one came. So we waited a couple days before installing the larger unit.

After installation, which went smoothly, we were quite anxious to take a shower. Oh my gracious, it was the softest water imaginable. The difference between the two softeners was unbelievable. Nothing feels as good as taking a shower and having the soap lather and rinse off cleaning, and feeling clean when you are done.

The portable softeners take just a container of table salt to recharge.  So it is not costly to use and it makes the water easier on the water heater, tanks, skin and leaves dishes cleaner looking. The water in Yuma is so hard that you would think that you can walk on it. And I swear that is where half of my bruises are coming from. hehe  We don't have room or a need for two softeners so Mark sold our smaller one to a neighbor whose wife is not happy with the hard water here. The water is not only hard, it smells. You can not cook with it or drink it. Not that the water is bad for you but it tastes terrible. Sure ruins a cup of coffee or a whiskey water. ;) Which is why we buy bottled water. There are also water stations everywhere you look, that are only 25¢ a gallon.

Mark's sister called to tell us they are now in Mesa for the winter. Mesa and Phoenix are about 183 miles and more from here. Which also means we are warmer. We look forward to meeting up with them at a place of interest somewhere in between. They have been our greatest supporters on our lifestyle change. Can't thank them enough for all their help too.

Sunday after church here in the resort, we went to lunch with a fun couple from here. He is so full of one liners that it's like being in  sitcom, and the wife, is just the sweetest gal and so fun too. After lunch we went for a tour of how the Yumaninte's live. hehe My goodness what a modge podge of homesites. One house is just  so beautiful and a "regular" house, and the neighbor could be a mobile home, RV or a shed, and well kept or a real mess. We are beginning to believe that there is no city ordinance what so ever around here. Some neighborhoods are so beautiful and across the street is what they call county. County would be like welfare to us in MN. But the homes and lots are a real disaster to put it nicely. It looks more like a ghetto.  You never know  what your new neighbor will do with their lot. All lots are also walled all the way around with a fancy gate entrance for both people, car and RV, with bricks, and nicely done. I'm sure it is to keep the blowing sand down.

This morning we were a coolish 51º, which is pretty normal for this time of year. It is after all winter in Arizona. The days ahead are said to be heading to the mid 60 after today. This sure beats the Minnesota winters we left behind.  Yep, we are still liking it here in Yuma.

That's it for now, time to open windows and let the sun shine in.

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