A quick note They have officially turned off the heater for the pool. Now it has been turned off for over a week but the Announcement makes it official.
On another note you can now take a shower with just the cold water on as once the water in the pipes in the shade of the building run out at best the temp is only slightly cool.
I was also told at church last night to know if it is safe to let pets walk on the tar street you should measure the temp by putting your forearm on the pavement. I, while looking precariously at the guy explaining this caused him to say it really is a good way because that part of your body is so sensitive.
I explained back to him if I leaned over far enough to get my forearm on the road my tumble would also put my face in direct contact with the pavement as well. And so suggested I just use my digital temp gun as it is much cheaper than cosmetic surgery.
BTW I am starting a new diet as some of you may know I have put on a couple of pounds on during my wife's and my travels. (the real reason we bought a dually truck)
Ok so step 1 of this diet is to not spill the gravy. As some may attest this is going to be a challenge for me. But as we all know you can not go to step 2 until you have completed step 1 so I am betting thru brute determination I will preserver! (or not)
But its summer and all I have been wearing is shorts with an elastic waist. So for me the extra weight really does help keep my pants up as that tie string is a joke.
Speaking of that I mean really who came up with that half twit idea? Tie it and it either comes loose in three steps or goes into a knot that you have to cut to get open. The end result is your back to having to gain weight just to keep the shorts up.
Seems like a fruitless strategy to me. When I go swimming my trunks stay up so good that when wet I have trouble getting them off even with the tie cut. And no they are not speedo's!
It's Always an Adventure!