Saturday, April 15, 2017


This week we have been combing the internet in search of campgrounds along the way back to MN. We are finding that the further north you go, the less there are. The midwest has so few that it's no wonder they are crying for tourist trade. The ones we do find are priced to the point of one person making the monthly mortgage payment on the property. The peak camping times are about the same, just at different ends of the calendar. Southern campgrounds offer more for your money and charge way less.  Oh well, what will be will be. This wasn't suppose to be a negative post. But with only one week left to find our next home, it's easy to become a bit off. Thank God we can do dry camping easily with all the solar Mark has installed to our home.

Here it is a day from Easter Sunday. The holiday fuss is something I really miss. Ok call me nuts, but I love to make those big meals that my family loves. What I am not missing is all the dishes that go along with the fancier meals. hehe This year has been full of a lot of holiday changes. We may be going to a casino for an Easter buffet. It is buy one meal and get the second one free. The menu looks wonderful so I'm sure we would eat well. So many changes.

The area of Nevada that we are currently living in has little to nothing to offer it's visitors. Not much for businesses, only a couple sites to see and a lot of depressed property. The resort in which we are staying is, as you have seen, an oasis in the desert. We have loved staying in this friendly beautiful resort and do plan to return someday.  I wish we could take it along with us as we travel back to MN.

To end this post, Mark and I, we wish you and your family a blessed Easter!!

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