Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Final week adventure.

After much deliberation, we have decided to move on out of our present location in Pahrump. It is such a nice resort that we really thought long and hard about staying here another month. But the hot weather is knocking on the door so it’s time to move to a cooler location for as long as we can. Since our travel route changes so often, I am not saying where we are headed until we get there. hehehe

We have met some very nice people here that we hope to see again when we return next year. Moving and leaving friends behind is just part of our new way of life. But you never know, you could bump into them somewhere along the way. Many of the people that are here at this resort, are either full time RVers traveling around like we are or they are full time and live here full time.  It’s amazing how many full time RV travelers we have met along the way. The things that we learn from one another is so very helpful. For instance……

This morning Lola and are were out for our morning walk enjoying the beautiful morning. But just 50 yards or so the niceness of the walk changed dramatically. Lola was sniffing her way to the desired spot to do her business when a bush right in front of her started to move and rattle profusely. I yanked her back by the leash only to have her head for the bush again. And the bush made the rattling sound much more loudly and rapidly. Yanking her back one more time, sending her flying to the road, I knew it was not a bush making the noise, but a rattlesnake. Hair on my arm standing on end, sent us all but running down the run as far away as I could. Well, ok, I don’t run, and Lola did not want to ran. But dragging her and walking quickly away caused a neighbor to ask what was wrong. After discussing what happened with two other people I headed back home shaking like a leaf. Once again I retold the story, this time to Mark. Who was, as you would guess,  concerned for our safety.

On my way to the laundry room I stopped at the front desk and reported my finding. There I was told that there is a rattler warning in Pahrump. Oh great, now that is all I will think of as we go about or daily walks. Once in the laundry room I mentioned to some friends about the warning and they thanked me and gave me some more horrifying news, this time about the scorpions. Geesh, I should have stayed in bed. Not really because what I learned today will be put to good use on our travels to help keep us safe.

Learning that a black light will light up a scorpion at night, is sending us to Home Depot to pick one up. Lola does her nightly piddle outside the door in the rocks. The same place that scorpions can be found.  Once the black light is purchased we can shine the light on the area to see if it is safe for her to be there. So far God has kept her safe. But He has given us the knowledge to protect her as well as us and we will use the information He gave us.

So with that being said I will leave with Marks favorite saying and bid you an Until next time……

As always, it’s an adventure. :)

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