The beauty that we came across on Thursday was like being close to heaven. Gods handiwork was tremendous. The beauty of being high in the mountains was as frightening as it was beautiful to me. There were times I missed some of it’s glory only because I am deathly afraid of heights. So what was I doing at an elevation of 7947? That is simple to answer, I wasn’t driving. hehe Mark understood my fear and didn’t press me to do anything that made me terribly uncomfortable but pushed me enough to share the beauty with him.
At first I didn’t realize that we were “going up” the mountain. Ok so I’m kind of new and naive to all of this traveling stuff. hehe But once the roads got more narrow and I could see the sides falling further away……I closed my eyes.. Well I didn’t close them the whole time but trust me I didn’t look over the side much at all.
There was no wild life all the way up but oh my goodness, did we see beautiful rock formations and rivers from the melted snow off of the mountains. The water was so clear and blue it was hard to believe it was not a mirage. Hearing the water thunder over the rocks as I smelled the crisp, cool, clean, pine air, was sensory overload. At one spot the back rop was enhanced by a beautiful reservoir. Nothing like it can compare to the experience of the day.
There were picnic and campsites complete with outdoor toilets. A small honor system donation of $12 was all it took to camp for a night. No we didn’t camp there. There is no way that I would want to drag the fiver up that mountain, nor would it fit in any of the campsites or turn arounds. The turnarounds were actually places for you stop and put on tire chains or snow tires. Yes, snow tires and tire chains are needed from time to time. And it was cold up there too. Mark, bless his heart gave up his jacket for me since my denim shirt was not warm enough. Anyway, we saw no campers. We did see a squirrel and one mallard on the way down, no bears or anything else.
The day actually started out with us looking for a campground to call home for a month. But the two campgrounds in Beaver City were horrible. And it was snowing to top it all off, with the temp at 37º. The town was so small that it would have been a very boring month stay in that area. So we will look at the map again and see what will strike our fancy.
As always, its an adventure. An adventure of a lifetime I might add. :)