Sunday, February 12, 2017

Breezy situation

Another project has been completed. After we purchased our new home Mark has talked about putting in a “Fan-tastic Fan” in the kitchen, replacing the regular ceiling vent. We found one at a good price on my favorite shopping place,, and ordered one.

Upon receiving the new vent fan Mark needed to remove the old ceiling vent. That proved to be easier and less messy than we had thought it would.  Once the old was out the area was cleaned and ready for the next step, to get power to the fan. Oh my that meant emptying out a cupboard and running wire from a light switch to the ceiling. Fishing the wire up through the wall not knowing what you would find in the way proved to be challenging. But the ever persistent Mark got it done. And he got it done without “sparking” too much tension between himself and the ceiling. Although several areas were tried before finding the spot that would allow the wire to pass through.

Once the wiring was done the fan could then be permanently attached to the roof of the RV, That being done it was time to test out the fan and see how it ran. Wow, it really moved some air  pulling fresh air into the rv and removing the warm air from inside. On hot summer days or days when some smelly foods such as fish, or shrimp prepared the air can be removed quickly.

Oh dear, the next morning Mark noticed that the lid was  crocked and not closing properly. So that meant back up on the roof and remove the mounted fan. Mark found that the cover brackets had inadvertently gotten bent, which is why it wasn’t closing properly. So he had to fix that before remounting the fan. Twisting and bending proved to be easier said than done but the repair was successful and the fan was once again put in place.

The next few days were warmer than the days Mark installed the fan, so it was a very welcomed addition to our home. The new vent fan kept air moving, making the heat inside more tolerable. Which was great for me especially, since I had come down with a bad cold and was stuck inside. The fan also has a remote making it possible to turn it on without having to stand on a stool to do so. 

Once again Mark succeeded at making our home a nicer place to be. And as Mark would say, it’s always an adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Live is always an adventure right? Love reading your posts, keep them coming. Glad the roof vent worked out even if it did provide a little extra adventure!!
